Here Comes The Dreamers “And they said one to another, - TopicsExpress


Here Comes The Dreamers “And they said one to another, Behold, this DREAMER cometh.” ~Genesis 37:19~ We all may have had a DREAM of good fortune, a DREAM of what we want to be or become in life, a DREAM about a family member or friend, a DREAM that made us laugh, made us cry, made us happy, or made us sad. Being a DREAMER could be a good thing as long as we don’t get trapped in our DREAMS. In order for our DREAMS to come true, we need to consider the four (4) “T”… DREAMS take TIME to come true DREAMS take TESTS to come true DREAMS take TEAMWORK to come true DREAMS take TRUST to come true Joseph was a DREAMER. When Joseph was seventeen years old he had two DREAMS that made his brothers plot his demise. In the first DREAM, Joseph and his brothers gathered bundles of grain. Then, all of the grain bundles that had been prepared by the brothers gathered around Josephs bundle and bowed down to it. In the second DREAM, the sun (father), the moon (mother) and eleven stars (brothers) bowed down to Joseph himself. When he told these two DREAMS to his brothers, they despised him for the implications that the family would be bowing down to Joseph. They became jealous that their father would even ponder over Josephs words concerning these DREAMS. Joseph’s brothers hated him so much they even called him “The DREAMER”. In light of this phenomenon, DREAMERS find it easy to identify with Joseph. He was misunderstood. He was mistreated. He faced unfortunate circumstances. He prayed prayers that seemed to go unanswered. He did right only to suffer wrong. Now at this stage of our lives, all of us have DREAMS, and we would be happy to know that based on the life of Joseph our DREAMS can come true. But DREAMS only come true by our taking advantage of the following means. 1) DREAMS take TIME to come true Barack Obama, a typical man, had a DREAM of becoming the nation’s leader. He had to endure the experience of waiting to become the President of the United States of America. He had to go through the hardships of stern education, and working his way up to his political standings. We need to know, that we can’t give up on our DREAMS. It takes a little bit of time. The songwriter said, “He may not come when you want Him, but He’ll be there right on time.” This is why Galatians 6:9 says, “… let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.” 2) DREAMS takes TESTS to come true Well unfortunately, a person may face cruelty. None other than his own brothers sold Joseph into slavery. When we DREAM big, our families might turn their back on us. Our friends may stop talking to us. Trouble may show up on our job. Heartaches can show up in our bank accounts. Tribulation may show up in our family life. Life simply distracts us and leads us down a side trail. We need to make sure we keep our eyes upon our goal. Keep our mind stayed on the LORD. The enemy wants to distract us. 3) DREAMS take TEAMWORK to come true Other people play a significant role in whether our dreams come true or not. So what must DREAMERS do? A DREAMER must learn how to be faithful in spite of how others act. A DREAMER must learn how to handle authority. A DREAMER must learn how to work with other people. 4) DREAMS take TRUST to come true Trust in the presence of the LORD. The assurance of GOD’S care provides stability. We need to put our trust in the LORD and not in man. We can’t trust everybody. People may say that they have our back, put the whole time, they are praying against us. We don’t need to tell everybody about our DREAMS. Some things are left better untold… If we want our DREAMS to come true, don’t oversleep. So, we can’t share our DREAMS prematurely. Joseph revealed his DREAMS way too soon before people were ready to hear about them. We shouldnt give up on our DREAMS. Joseph could have become depressed. He could have sought revenge. But, he didnt. Furthermore, remember: DREAMS are contagious. Those with lofty goals inspire others to DREAM. And never ever make fun of DREAMS, because they make reality worth all the difficulty. Let’s set out to make our DREAMS come true, and then we’ll sleep better at night. Dr. Martin Luther King, he had a DREAM… A DREAM for a better nation…He had a DREAM that little black boys and black girls will be able to join hands with little white boys and white girls and walk together as sisters and brothers. DO YOU HAVE A DREAM? Be Encouraged and Don’t Give Up… Rev. O. W. Woodard January 18, 2014
Posted on: Sat, 18 Jan 2014 09:51:00 +0000

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