Here We Are Here we are, behind our phones and computers, - TopicsExpress


Here We Are Here we are, behind our phones and computers, typing and posting whatever we like. It would be infantile if not naïve for anyone or any organisation to think that this freedom to say whatever will like was obtained on a platter of gold. In honest reflection, this very freedom to share whatever we consider publicable with friends and loved ones on diverse media of communications was the resultant emergence of years of intelligence, struggle, resistance, imprisonment, sacrifice, and undaunted determination against various over-militarised regimes which once acted with gross impunity and expected humanity to be silent against it excesses . Now that this universal freedom is ours to explore and enjoy, lets remember the cosmic responsibility this very freedom confers on us. It is important we ensure that this freedom neither slip away from us nor end with our generation. Hence, lets dedicate part of our moral and intellectual influence to propagate and pass-on this freedom of expression to the next-generation. This I say is one of the essentials our kids and next-generation may need to succeed and build a more prosperous and liberal society where every human enjoys not only the right to express his/her ideas but to be listen to and taken for what it is. As we speak, dont forget that there are countries that still deny it citizens this very right. It is to these citizens I dedicate this article, in order to draw global attention to the autocratic subversion of one of their inalienable rights. It is my famous wish that, this article will serve as an additional voice to the volume and intensity of the current global outcry for freedom of expression to these citizens. It is my believe that with mine and yours and those of the rest of international humanity, our collective voice will one day spread this very freedom to all nook and cranny of the world. Thanks!
Posted on: Thu, 16 Oct 2014 13:01:27 +0000

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