(Here is StarWars:The caves from chapter 1 - 8 ) Star Wars: The - TopicsExpress


(Here is StarWars:The caves from chapter 1 - 8 ) Star Wars: The caves By: Brandon Styres Deep in the caves of Leraq, A planet left alone after a crystal mining incident, There was heat signatures coming from that planet so Jedi apprentice Jake Tiferson was sent down to the planet, The incident that happened during the clone wars was a bombing and has not been touched since.... Chapter 1: something’s here Jake we are picking up heat signatures on the planet Leraq Jake picked up his transmitter and spoke back Isnt the planet abandoned? Yes it was supposed to be but well it seems like some one is down in the caves Jake entered the planet, Jake landed his ship on the uneven rocky ground but he managed to land on a good spot. Wow the clone wars really did do a number on this place Jake walked around the debris and even saw some old ships from the Clone wars hmm everything is so dusty and destroyed.. When has anyone been here? That question remained in his mind as he continued walking, Jake tripped over a piece metal on the floor and fell to the ground, Jakes face landed beside a broken and cracked stormtrooper helmet what the? Jake sat up and grabbed the helmet, The helmet had red dripping off the broken mask and also contained a video card, Jake ejected the card out of the broken helmet and slid it into his hologram display, The transmission showed a the stormtroopers point of view, it showed him and a group of 3 other stormtroopers walking along with him so what are we doing here? The trooper continued walking with the others We are supposed to search the planet for parts and go inside the caves ok so.. A loud static rang threw the helmet and the trooped bolted around firing an screaming, The troopers helmet went flying off to the right under the piece of debris, Blood sprayed all over the ground and some got on the helmet the transmission ended. something... Something is here Chapter 2: Visions.. Jake took the chip out, He slid it into his bag and continued walking to the cave system, Jake found a body on the ground with a huge hole in its chest it looked like a lightsaber hole and the helmet was missing Hmm that helmet must be his, But wasnt he killed back there? Jake walked away from the body and continued walking into the cave. The ground was more uneven and the rocks tend to shake every once in awhile but he didnt really think much of it.agh! Jake grabbed his head with both hands and fell to his knees as he saw the two other troopers running and shooting and whatever attacked the other trooper but he was force thrown into a wall and the he got crushed my piles of rocks and the other trooper was choked to death. Jake gasped loudly as he came back to his senses who did this?... Jake whipped his nose to see blood coming out of it, He rubbed his nose as he walked getting his sleeve bloody. Jake walked threw the dark caves with his dark blue saber open so make the area brighter This is Jake to Luke Skywalker, please answer me Jake listened closely as he heard Luke speaking back but the static was cutting him off Heat....radar...hurry.. what? It was fully static now so Jake stopped trying as he knew it was useless and continued walking down the dark corridor. Blood was on the wall to his left and on the floor, Jake touched the blood and fell to his knees as he had another vision. Oh God uhh trooper to StarDestroyer, My squad has been killed, Hello?! The trooper tripped and the man slice his right arm off with his saber then he stabbed him in the stomach with the saber. Jake once again gasped as he stopped having that vision and stood up, Jake took two steps forward and stopped to see a trooper with no arm and a huge hole in his stomach ok...ok I need to find out whats going on.. He continued to walk, Jake stopped walking as he saw that he was in a huge room with a big red circle in the middle of the room with a limbless stormtrooper torso in the middle of it with the words I shall serve no one...Jake pulled out his saber again and activated it .A hand touched Jakes arm and he bolted around to see a more evil and twisted version of himself with a red saber and dark clothing. Jake swung his saber at it and it disappeared.. Chapter 3: Facility of fear Jake stood there and continued to look at were that man stood Was he actually there? Or am I going insane?... Jake turned around slowly, He walked into the middle of the room and inspected the ripped up stormtrooper torso on the dirty blood stained floor. who the hell would even do this?...Jake walked into another one of the chambers to see old separatist machines ad even some deactivated droids and more blood and even old rotting corpses, Jake covered his mouth and nose as he walked threw and he screamed as a hand grabbed his leg ahhh!!Jake kicked his leg free and aimed his saber where the hand came from, It was an old battle droid, rusted and dusty but some how still working, The droid spoke, its voice sounded worried and rushed Stay away from there... As the droid finished it sentence it self destructed, sending metal shards into Jakes face sending him flying back. Jake continued to shield his face as he fell backwards. what the hell is going on here?! Jake coughed as he sat up, Jake walked back to the way he came in then he was quickly greater by a huge rock and dirt pile Damn Jake turned around and walked back the other way to the door at the end of the hall and words that read Facility He walked threw the rusted door to see What looked like a giant Facility but most of the droids were either destroyed or gone. Jake walked down the steps and down to the solid floor and continued walking, His saber still tight in his grip, Jake stopped and slowly looked behind him, He swore that he saw someone following him,Jake look back in front of him to see a whole bunch of mining droids just standing there and they were all pointing at him there eyes red, Jake walked up to them slowly then a hand grabbed him, this time he was ready, he bolted around and stabbed at Nothing? The droids were all back to normal and nothing was behind him ,Jake started running fast threw the sections if droids and random metal scraps and it seems like the more far he went the more rusty and old everything became Jaaakkkeee...Jake didnt care to stop and just kept on running, The droids reached out at him, screaming and screeching making loud static noises Ahhhh! He ran up to the door in front of him and without hesitation burst threw it, Jake coughed and panted hard as he stood there and once again everything was back to normal, nothing was reaching out to him and nothing was screaming there was just pure...Silence. Chapter 4: Dead Stench Jake gaged and covered his mouth. And nose, A horrible smell filled the air. Jake ran down the dark corridor still holding his arm up to his face Ahhh! Jake fell into a hole in the group while he was running and fell landing on a strange soft, wet ground, Jake stood up and turned his blue saber on, The loud buzz of the saber filled the room and that horrible stench was still there but even stronger than before. Jake gasped as he saw what he was standing on, Bodies.. Piles upon piles of ripped up bloody bodies, Blood covered the ground and the wall. Jake could not hold it back anymore, he moved his arm and puked and gaged until he saw blood start coming out of his mouth is...is all of this making me this sick?....He continued to cough and stagger as he walked, He forced pushed the metal wall which teared it open, This lead to another room, This room contained various machines and blue prints that also look like they have not been touched for a very very long time, Jake tried contacting Luke again but every time he tried there would always be a loud interference blocking of Lukes voice Jake Tiferson to Rebel Base anyone there?, I repeat Jake Tiferson to Rebel base is anyone there? Jake stayed silent as he waited for a reply but no one answered back. Jake sighed deeply and continued on walking threw the room and eventually walked up to a room filled with mirrors, Tall mirrors that were the sans height as him and he also found a lot more separtist and some protocol droids. Jake had the burning urge to call out and if anyone was there but he knew that whatever was here was not going to be helping him. Jake walked down the hallway that was being dimly lit by his lightsaber and also had mirrors all over the walls but as he walked he noticed something following close behind him, Jake swung his saber behind him to only to be stopped by another saber but this one was red and the man holding it looked like the disgusting man he saw when he entered the first chamber, Jake pressed will all his might then he kicked it the man but was then force thrown to the wall behind him and was knocked out as soon as his body hit the wall. Chapter 5: Disturbance Jake awoke an to his surprise was still laying in the spot he was thrown at, Jake grunted as he stood up, he rubbed the back of his head to find a small crack and the warm blood leaking out, He continued to walk until he came up a Clone trooper helmet, A very dusty and old one but there was a chip in the side of the helmet, He tool the chip out and quickly played it. Republic squad 2zaplha5 does anyone head me?! Ahh damn still static! Just keep running, Wait! What is that! The rest of the tape was just loud lightsaber hums and then screams of droids and clones, After listening to it another one played but this one was more clear. E-Everyone that comes down here never leaves, I-Its To late...If you found this then I am guessing you are trapped down here t-,he is coming I got to g- the transmission ended with that. Jake took the Chips out and slid it into his pocket and continued walking, Jake walked into a room circle room, In the room was destroyed droids and some dead clones and a lot of amour and blasters but the 2 things they had in common was that they were both dead and the were all killed by the same man that attacked him before, well thats what it looked like. Jake walked into the middle of the room and stabbed his saber directly into the ground and with a loud clash, The huge metal doors in front of him opened. Luke Skywalker sat down in his room and was using the force to take apart and rebuild his lightsaber when he saw a sight that horrified him most, Jake was being grabbed by the neck and having a saber pushed into his stomach then he was thrown on the ground and immediately decapitated. Luke grabbed his saber and jolted up running for his fighter, Luke quickly jumped in an flew out of the hangar Please-Please be careful Jake .Jake walked threw the huge steel doors into a cold room that looked like private chambers with frost and ice on the floors and walls and in the chair in front of Jake was s frozen corpse but the blood stains on it looked fresh. Beeping started coming from Jakes gauntlet Luke? Jake...Fate.... Sith...Careful.. The transmission ended once again. a grim and sinister voice spoke out so...Jake is it? Jake ducked fast as he sensed a saber coming for his head, He got back up and clashed sabers with the sith but as they battled all the sith did was laugh until he eventually grabbed Jake by his throat and pushed him against a wall and spoke This is now your fate Jake, Either turn to the dark side or die Jake squirmed as the Sith choked him. Luke skywalker landed his ship beside Jakes and ran fast to the caves what the? Luke saw the blood on the walls and floor as he walked into the cold caves and when he got into the first chamber he saw the bloody limbless stormtrooper torso In the middle of the floor. Luke Skywalker to Rebel base, Send a supply ship along with 20 men Yes, sir Luke went outside of the caves and waited for the supply ship, It arrived and along came out 20 men all loaded with blasters Ok listen to me, What you see down there will be gruesome so please take my warning and stay alert With that Luke and the men all went down into the caves, Two of the troops threw up as they saw the gruesome body in the first room but they stayed alert Hey get me some thermal charges A trooper ran up to Luke and handed them to him Luke then placed one on the rocks that blocked the door ok everyone get back! Everyone ran back near the cave entrance and Luke set off the bomb which shook the cave and the men Woah Ok lets go They all ran down into facility, The troops turned on there lights on the side of their blasters as Luke led them with his dark green saber glowing in the dark room I sense a great disturbance in the force... Everyone stay alert! Thoughts filled Lukes mind as they made there way threw the dark facility, something he never wanted to Vision... Luke was sent to the planet of Korriban, Luke had to go there to save Leia and while he was there he met a Sith overlord by the name of De-Shaak, He was the most feared sith of all because when he killed his victims he left a huge mess, Luke fought him and ended up defeating him but he was not dead.... Chapter 6: Dark secret Jake ducked fast as he sensed a saber coming for his head, He got back up and clashed sabers with the sith but as they battled all the sith did was laugh until he eventually grabbed Jake by his throat and pushed him against a wall and spoke This is now your fate Jake, Either turn to the dark side or die Jake squirmed as the Sith choked him. Luke skywalker landed his ship beside Jakes and ran fast to the caves what the? Luke saw the blood on the walls and floor as he walked into the cold caves and when he got into the first chamber he saw the bloody limbless stormtrooper torso In the middle of the floor.Luke Skywalker to Rebel base, Send a supply ship along with 20 men Yes, sir Luke went outside of the caves and waited for the supply ship, It arrived and along came out 20 men all loaded with blasters Ok listen to me, What you see down there will be gruesome so please take my warning and stay alert With that Luke and the men all went down into the caves,Two of the troops threw up as they saw the gruesome body in the first room but they stayed alert Hey get me some thermal charges A trooper ran up to Luke and handed them to him Luke then placed one on the rocks that blocked the door ok everyone get back! Everyone ran back near the cave entrance and Luke set off the bomb which shook the cave and the men Woah Ok lets go They all ran down into facility, The troops turned on there lights on the side of their blasters as Luke led them with his dark green saber glowing in the dark room I sense a great disturbance in the force... Everyone stay alert! Thoughts filled Lukes mind as they made there way threw the dark facility, something he never wanted to remember... Luke was sent to the planet of Korriban, Luke had to go there to save Leia and while he was there he met a Sith overlord by the name of De-Shaak, He was the most feared sith of all because when he killed his victims he left a huge mess, Luke fought him and ended up defeating him but he was not dead. Jake forced pushed De-Shaak off of him and he quickly grabbed his saber and attacked him but he stopped them Hahaha you are a fool boy Jake backed up and looked the sith right in the eyesI sense the hate in you..it-its more stronger than anything ive ever seen, but I will not let your hate destroy me Jake jumped over Him and swung slicing his back but he still continued to laugh then he grabbed him and threw him at the wall shattering a lot of the ice GRAHHHHH!Jake jumped up and was only stopped by the sith force choking him Gragh! Youve chosen the wrong path boy and now youve gotten yourself killed The sith aimed his saber for Jakes stomach NOOO! Blasters went off, The rebels were shooting at the sith and Luke ran over slicing and sliced off De-Shaaks arm dropping Jake to the floor You...You are all fools HAHAHAHAHA!! The sith lifted his left hand and electrocuted all the rebels sending them into the wall and burning there flesh until a very bad burning stench was in the air, Jake ran up and blocked the lightning only to be pushed back and then Luke was thrown against the back walls as well You will not leave here ali- Jake was standing behind him and his saber was in his back, De-Shaak fell so his knees and let out a loud wheezing as he spoke Y-you will all d-die... Jake kicked him and pulled his saber out Luke are you ok? yes Im fine lets just get out of here Jake and Luke walked out of the cave and went up to supply ship Hey were are the troops? They are dead so just head back to base Luke and Jake got into there ships and flew off the damned planet. Chapter 7: Corruption Luke and Jake both flew at an Fast speed back to YavinIV Rebel base to Luke! We are under attack! What?! Luke quickly turned his thrusters on and braced him self for a landing on the planet Luke, whats wrong? The base is under attack Jake! Luke entered the planet along with Jake,They both landed there ships and ran up to the giant rock like structure,Dead rebels scattered the area and each of them had there own slash mark across there bodies,The smoke coming out of the cuts were fresh along with the blood Wait didnt we kill him back there?! I-I Dont know,Jake we have to go check on Leia! They ran into the hanger bay of the structure Jake you go look for and survivors and I will go look for the sith Jake ran off into one of the rooms on the right while Luke ran out of the building and into the court yard.hello... Anybody?! Jake walked around the room and saw that the light was flickering off and on,More fresh blood painted the walls and the bed in front of him Whats going on.... Jake stood there for a moment.Luke walked around outside to see more bodies with a lot of them decapitated and impaled but wooden stakes Well well Luke Skywalker Luke activated his saber,Grabbing it with both hands,He turned around and aimed the saber at a young fellow about the age 19,He had black hair and yellow eyes with red mixed in,His skin was pale and scarred,He wore a black robe and hood,He also used two sabers instead of one.The boy charged at Luke,Luke quickly reacted and jumped over the boy causing him to run past Luke,Luke and the boy blocked each others saber strikes.Jake ran out of the room and back into the hangar room luke were did you go? Jake ran out into the courtyard and saw Luke and the boy fighting Luke! at that moment the boy aimed his hand at Luke and Luke turned around and aimed his saber at Jake Luke what are you doing?! I-Im not doing this! Jake activated his saber and blocked Lukes strike followed by a push,The boy laughed as he made Luke attack Jake grrr stop this! Jake yelled angrily at the boy but he still continued to control Luke and make him attack Jake Say goodbye to your apprentice He smirked then he made Luke force push Jake into a wall then he made Luke stab him in the left arm.Jake let out a loud scream of pain as the blade entered his flesh,The boy laughed before throwing Luke onto the other side of the court yard then the boy ran out into the mist.Jakes vision was blurry and his left arm was in extreme amounts of pain as he pit pressure on it,Jake walked around in the misty court yard calling out to Luke only to get no response LUKE WHERE ARE YOU?! Jake stumbled around then he ended up walking into the hangar.Lu- Jake tripped over debris on the ground.Jake started to get up and stopped Mo moving as he heard voices coming from every direction,They were all saying help me and the were reaching out to Jake,Some of them had no arms or legs and some of the rebels that were reaching out were cut up badly and there skin was white HELP US PLEASE HELP ME Jake covered his ears and his face then the voices suddenly stopped.Jake stood up slowly to see that there was no one there and that he was standing in the misty hangar by himself with random bodies scattered around.Jake got into his ship and flew off Yavin.Jake took a deep breath and reached out to his senses Luke...Luke please help me.. Jake got a feeling and it was not a good one What... A large Stardestroyer came into view, he flew closer to it and ended flying into the landing bay and to his surprise no one was there to stop him there were only a few Tie fighters and a grey ship with 4 Ion cannons on it along with multiple scratches along its metal frame.Jake grabbed his lightsaber and held it tightly in his hand and began running across the hangar to the blast doors in front of him.Damn,The door is lockedJake stabbed his saber into the metal door and cut a hole just big enough for him to fit threw. commander their has been a breach in sector 5s hangar bay hmm a Jedi...Send troopers down there Stormtroopers ran down the corridor with there bladders ready.They saw Jake and aimed there bladders at him. Blast him! They fired at him and Jake blocked the shots also sending them back at them,He forced gripped one of them and threw him into a wall then he sliced one of the stormtroopers hand off also stabbing one of them in the stomach and force pushed the last one threw the last door behind him Your hate is strong Jake turned around to see nothing and noticed that it was a voice in his head. Let the hate flow threw you Jake covered his ears and began to run no no no no no no no! Jake ran threw a opened door and into a huge circle of stormtroopers and generals Well I say that plan worked quite well,Alright troopers kill him They all aimed there blasters at Jake but he just stood there,Jake then began lifting his hand and the trooper in front of him aimed his gun at the general and shot him then Jake grinned as he made them all start shooting at each other, he ran and started killing them,Slicing off there limbs and just stabbing them he even electrocuted them until there armor even began to melt and there skin began to smell horrible but Jake didnt stop and continued until they were all dead.Jake killed them All and realized what he just did Good....Youre Letting the hate control you... NO! Jake turned around and was Gripped by the neck. Chapter 8: Inferno Jake pushed him away and the man was non other than the one he met in the caves Youre supposed to be dead! What a nice welcome De-shaak smirked and activated his lightsaber and with a loud hum the crimson blade came out,He lifted his Hand and the lights began to flicker until they bursted.The room went dark and the only things visible were the red and blue sabers and an occasional flicker of sparks from the broken lights.Jake couldnt see well but he could see that Shaak was grinning then his saber went off and Jake was in the dark unable to see of his surroundings. Jake could feel breathing on the back of His neck and then he heard a voice speak into his ear almost sounding like a whisper I am going to enjoy carving you and your master into pieces Jake swung his saber behind him and just missed him then Shaak pushed him and activated his saber again WHAT DID YOU DO WITH LUKE AND LEIA! He didnt answer and instead charged at Jake but Jake reached out with the force and began choking him WHERE IS LUKE! He pushed Jake away and put his saber back onto his belt then he lifted his hands About to be dead along with you As he said that,The ship began shaking violently then it began falling towards Korriban. Fire surrounded the giant ship as it was head straight for the planet Now we all share the same fate Jake The fire around the ship put more Light In the room but Jake just wanted to leave,sweat dripped down his forehead as the room got hotter and as he began attacking Shaak but Shaak seemed to get better and better at blocking his attacks. Stormtroopers ran throughout the ship and same with the generals as they tried to make there was to the shuttle Bay but a huge chunk of the ship blew up throwing troopers out into space Sector 4A has been destroyed ,I repeat sector 4A has been destroyed! The sprinklers came on covering Jake and Shaak in water,As the water hit there blades it made a sizzle noise along with a small smoke Bow before me and we can both get off of this ship Jake threw his saber at Shaak but he ducked, the saber came back at Jake and he grabbed it by its hilt Youre a fool boy He ran at Jake and jumped over him then he started strangling him hahahaha Dont struggle boy! Jakes face turned red as he began to choke,He quickly stabbed Shaak in the leg and elbowed him in the stomach. A loud alarm rang threw there ears at the ship got Closer and closer to Korribans surface.The ship began ripping apart as it became more on fire and more closer to the planet You are going to die, along with your friends! A huge explosive canister that was in flames went flying towards Jake and Shaak and before either of them could do anything it blew up and send both of them flying backwards. The stardestoyer crashed into the planet and set the whole thing in flames along with most of the crew.
Posted on: Thu, 31 Oct 2013 15:01:44 +0000

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