Here is a blog I wrote 2 years ago, Its still worth thinking about - TopicsExpress


Here is a blog I wrote 2 years ago, Its still worth thinking about today after what happened in Australia yesterday. Its pretty hard to like the Islam we see on the news every night, The attacks on American Embassies, the deaths of 6 New Zealand soldiers in Afghanistan, the Burka, the lack of democracy and equal rights. In Delhi last weekend, 6 people died in riots that were sparked by the discovery of pages of a Quran with anti Islam notes penned over the text. As a believer in the rights of others to question my own faith, it’s hard for me to comprehend a way of life where people feel so threatened by someone questioning their faith, that they are willing to kill. I have many friends who are Muslim. I teach Muslim kids. I can honestly say that they are just like everyone else; no better, no worse. The friendly smiles and appreciation when I greet them with “Saalam Alaikum” makes me realize that the Islam we see on TV, is not a complete representation of Muslims. In fact, seeing the TV coverage made me reflect on the history of Christianity which went through a similar experience with the burning of heretics and the inquisitions,the Crusades etc. I’m thankful that Christianity has matured in most cases to the point where we are willing to acknowledge that not everyone shares our beliefs (we still have a wee way to go yet). So how should we react to the rise of fundamentalist Islam? Should we do what we have been doing for the last 900 years? Fighting Muslims? How has that worked out for us so far? Perhaps its time to reshape our world view? Imagine growing up in Bagdad, Tehran or Karachi. Imagine living in a world where bullets are more powerful than words, where the police are criminals and the criminals are police, where your education is based almost soley on a 6th century text. Imagine moving to a new country to escape the poverty and violence and people hating you just for what you wear? I don’t know the answer but I reckon there is wisdom in the saying that ISLAM can stand for “I Simply Love All Muslims”. Instead of feeding the fires of hate, let’s confront our own fears and prejudices and show love, respect and friendship to the Muslims we meet. It can’t hurt, can it?
Posted on: Tue, 16 Dec 2014 05:12:01 +0000

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