Here is a compilation video of yesterdays filament eruption - TopicsExpress


Here is a compilation video of yesterdays filament eruption showing the eruption in a special 3-color movie from NASA SDO, the CME as seen by SOHO/LASCO and the expected trajectory of the CME as calculated by the NOAA SWPC ENLIL solar wind model. We took another look at SOHO LASCO C3 today and the CME seems to expand beyond the 180 degrees that we reported yesterday. There is indeed a very faint outline heading south of the ecliptic which indicates the CME might be more earth-directed then we first anticipated. A minor glancing blow (yes those famous words again) impact can be expected late on August 2nd with a maximum expected Kp-value of 4. Video credits: Nariaki Nitta/LMSAL, NASA Solar Dynamics Observatory (Little SDO), SOHO and NOAA SWPC ENLIL solar wind model. Follow it live on spaceweatherlive
Posted on: Thu, 31 Jul 2014 10:44:29 +0000

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