Here is a letter from the Calin family. Missionaries to - TopicsExpress


Here is a letter from the Calin family. Missionaries to Romania. Dear praying and supporting friends! July 2013 “But my God shall supply all your needs according to his riches in glory.” (Phil 4:19) God has provided a car for us, for free!!! We are serving a wonderful God, who always takes care of all the details. Thank you Clark family for giving us your van. You have been such a blessing to us. Bro. Astancai and I went to Germany to pick up our vehicle. We had to get it registered in Germany, we will have to pay a much higher tax and insurance since we registered it in Germany and hopefully we will be alowed to drive in Romania with Germans tags. We will see, but for now we have a car and we can get around, we are trying to save for a newer model so we can buy and register here in Romania. Praise the Lord. We were able to take our first load of household goods back to Romania and my wife is now busy getting everything unpacked and organized. Since most of our clothes, towels and bedding were packed for 3 years everything needs to be washed before putting it away. Sadly the laundry machine we have in the new house gave up the ghost on Saturday, but again the Lord is providing in a wonderful way, in that our landlord will replace it for free, tomorrow. God is so good to us. We have also received our first load of Romanian Bibles and John/Romans. Thank you so much Biserica Baptista Lumina Evangheliei for donating them and Bro. Nibbe for bringing them over. Bro. Astancai and I had to go back to Germany again to bring some more of our stuff back to Romania. We can’t wait to get back that we can finally start passing out the literature that we have. We will also have to have some tracts printed for us to pass out. So we have to check out what’s best and most efficient. Whether to buy a good laser printer or to have somebody print them for us. I’m sure God will give the wisdom and will supply them as well. When we arrived in Germany to pick up the van, the car of the person who came to pick us up, broke down right at the airport. I was a little disappointed, because we had to wait for a long time for the tow car to arrive, because the company was from further away and not local. But of course the Lord had His plan in all this. The man who drove the tow truck was around 68 and he was struggling to believe in the existence of God. So God opened a way for us to witness to him. We had a very good conversation about the Lord, creation and salvation, etc. So God is good. It was not good for our brother, whose car broke down, but it sure was good for that man to know and realize that he needs to get saved, because there really is a God and because he has to stand before Him in one day. My wife is witnessing to a German lady who lives in the neighborhood. Please pray for Birgit, who needs to be saved and for more opportunities to share the Gospel with our neighbors. While in Germany, I was also able to meet with our daughter Daniela. She is doing very well physically, but needs your prayers for her spiritual wellbeing. All of our schoolbooks have arrived in Romania and my wife is now getting ready to start school next month. Please pray that everything goes smooth and that we won’t have any trouble with the authorities here. We love you all, Your missionary to Romania: Stefan, Sandra, Daniel, Benjamin, Gabriela. God bless you!
Posted on: Sat, 10 Aug 2013 12:42:31 +0000

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