Here is a list of my favorite books,certain books by authors have - TopicsExpress


Here is a list of my favorite books,certain books by authors have been combined,in particular order. 1: Farenheit 451,The Martian Chronicles,The Illustrated Man,Ray Bradbury. 2: Slaughterhouse Five,Kurt Vonnegut. 3: 2001 A Space Odyssey,2010,2063,3001 The Final Odyssey,Arthur C. Clarke. 4: The Long Walk,Thinner,The Running Man,The Stand,It,Richard Bachman/Stephen King. 5: Gone With The Wind,Margaret Mitchell. 6:Yeager,Chuck Yeager. 7: Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing,Judy Blume. 8: 1984,Animal Farm,George Orwell. 9: Catch 22,Joseph Heller. 10: Raise the Titanic,Clive Cussler. 11: The Hitchikers Guide to the Galaxy,The Restaurant at the end of the Universe,Life,The Universe and Everything,So long and thanks for all the fish. Douglas Adams.
Posted on: Thu, 01 May 2014 04:12:15 +0000

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