Here is a report on what is happening in Iraq from a Missionary - TopicsExpress


Here is a report on what is happening in Iraq from a Missionary Organization called Vision Beyond Borders. I trust these people and pass the information along hoping that my friends will pay attention. :) Our hearts have been tremendously burdened for the people of Iraq, and we felt it was important to continue to ask people to pray for our brothers and sisters there. It is impossible to comprehend the depths of suffering and despair as they flee for their lives. Many have witnessed terrible atrocities or have been brutalized and abused at the hands of ISIS. Hebrews 13:3 tells us to [r]emember those in prison as if you were together with them in prison, and those who are mistreated as if you yourselves were suffering. Please spend some time in prayer for these precious people. Try to imagine the depths of their experiences and pray on their behalf! Cry out to our Lord, as if you are crying out for your life and the lives of your family! Pray for safety and protection as they see people killed around them and other Christians martyred for their faith. Pray for provision for those who have lost everything; they were normal, middle class families who have lost their homes, transportation, money, and every possession except the clothes on their backs. Pray God will provide for them, and they will see His hand in each provision. Pray for comfort and healing. Many have witnessed brutal atrocities, losing friends, family and loved ones; pray the God of all comfort will bring His peace and comfort to those who are suffering so greatly. Pray He will bring fellow Believers alongside them to bear their burdens as He has called us to do! Above all, please pray God will be made known among the nations by the power of the testimony of these people. Pray that it will be evident to them and those around them that they serve a Living God, a God who still moves in answer to the prayers of His people. We received the following update on the situation there and felt it was important to share with you: For the past months since ISIS overran the city of Mosul in northwestern Iraq weve been following the news and trying to get specifics from fellow-believers in the region. As usual after the initial shock and devastation news headlines have since turned their attention elsewhere. The conflict in Gaza seems almost like a deliberate attempt to distract people from the real catastrophe unfolding in Iraq. Most dont realize this but thousands of ancient Syriac Christians populate the ancient lands around Nineveh which is modern-day Mosul. Although some are merely Christians in name many are sincere followers of Christ. There are even some converts from Islam among them. In the past weeks ISIS has delivered an ultimatum to the Christians of the region to either convert to Islam, pay a high tax of subjection or submit to the sword. Most Christians have chosen to flee and yet even then they were not allowed to take anything with them. There are many reports of Christians being stripped of their valuables at the ISIS checkpoints as they try to flee north. There are also credible reports of rape and pillage. I contacted a good friend of ours who is pastoring the Kurdsmen Church in Erbil in northern Iraq. He confirmed our worst fears and added that some of the converts in the ISIS held regions have been beheaded for abandoning Islam. He wrote that the situation in the north of Iraq is chaotic with a surplus of refugees from Mosul. Thousands of Christians and Shia stripped of everything are seeking refuge. Most are trying to escape the country as they continue to fear for their lives. The Churches have opened their doors to as many as possible but the needs are overwhelming and the future is grim. In his letter to me he commented at length on the conflicting views: some are supportive of ISIS others, others are terrified even while the local militias are hard-pressed to hold the line against them. I write this simply to urge you to commit this horrendous development in prayer to our Father who sees all. The news agencies may not be able to report the horrors taking place in Mosul and the west may not want to acknowledge the human catastrophe playing out in Iraq but God cares and so should we.
Posted on: Tue, 05 Aug 2014 16:48:48 +0000

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