Here is a sampling of how broadcasters around the world are - TopicsExpress


Here is a sampling of how broadcasters around the world are covering todays midterm election results. First, from France 24, and interview with Middle East commentator and former Lebanese diplomat Ghassan Salamé on the foreign policy ramifications of the 2014 Midterm elections, particularly on relations with Iran: VIDEO: After GOP Win, Expect Iran to Take Harder Line (France 24, France) Then from Britains Financial Times, The FTs Washington bureau chief Richard McGregor offers his thoughts on how the winnders and losers will deal with the new political reality: VIDEO: Obama Suffers a Shellacking (Financial Times, U.K.) Next we have comedian Russell Brand, who it seems has launched his own news network, railing against the U.S. electoral system: VIDEO: U.S. Midterm Elections: Is This Democracy? (The Trews, U.K.) Next, this is last nights report in the U.S. elections from Irans PressTV, which focuses on low turnout among minorities: VIDEO: Disappointed Minorities Results in Low Turnout for U.S. Midterms (Press TV, Iran) Then, a report from Russia Today on the consequences of the U.S. midterm elections. The network forecasts more gridlock and paralysis domestically, and little change in U.S. foreign policy: VIDEO: Republicans Take Control of U.S. Senate First Time Since 2006 (Russia Today, Russia) Then another report from RT with interviews with the political director of Libertarian Party Carla Howell and the nominee for president of the Green Party in 2012 Jill Stein, who say that neither Democrats or Republicans are delivering for the American people: U.S. Midterms Crisis: Neither Party Delivers (Russia Today, Russia) Then a sampling from Chinas state-run CCTV. First, the talk show Dialogue, where the host quizzes Ruck Dunham, a visiting scholar at Tsinghua University. VIDEO: The Consequences of the U.S.Midterm Elections (CCTV, China) Then a news report in the post-election environment and the electoral impact of Americas growing Asian population: VIDEO: Growing Asian Clout in U.S. Electorate (CCTV, China) Now Australia. First, a report from ABC News on President Obamas veto power - the Democrats last line of defense: VIDEO: Obamas Veto the Last Line of Defense Against Republicans (ABC News, Australia) Next from Australias XX24, a look at the drubbing of Democrats: VIDEO: Midterms Deliver Sharp Rebuke to Obama (XX24 News, Australia) Then from Australias XX24 News, a report on why compromise is unlikely for the remainder of President Obamas term: VIDEO: Compromise Unlikely in Obamas Last Two Years (XX24 News, Australia) Then also from Australia, a report from XX34 News on why with more money spent than in any previous US election, there is less interest than ever before: VIDEO: Americans in a Foul Mood (XX24 News, Australia) Then from South Africa, a report on the abysmal results for President Obama and the victory for Republicans: VIDEO: Barack Obama will have to Deal with Large Republican Majority (South Africa Public Television)
Posted on: Thu, 06 Nov 2014 02:39:30 +0000

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