Here is a satirical response to the overwhelming propaganda flying - TopicsExpress


Here is a satirical response to the overwhelming propaganda flying all over the Internet: Why is there war between the State of Israel and Muslim Arabs? There are Muslim Arabs who believe that the Jews who live in the State of Israel are illegal occupiers, invaders, and should all die. Forget about history, the UN mandate, the Partition Plan, Balfour Declaration, peace treaties and resolutions. There can be no state of Israel there. Period. The warfare that resulted between them all, created deaths and perpetuated generational hatred. Make no mention of how the Muslim Arab governments and organizations treat their own people with brutality or women less than human beings. Not up for debate here. To the person of average intelligence, who cares zip about their religious or cultural differences and trying to make sense of it, stop trying. Be thankful you re an American. The diplomatic approach is past. War is all that remains. Hope is lost. Unless there is a spirit of forgiveness and reconciliation that will suddenly enter into the hearts of all these people and cause them to be humane to each other, on all sides; then they are all doomed and cursed to perpetual violence. Their hatreds may even drag the rest of the world into a devastating world war as a result too. Not my circus, not my monkeys, as the saying goes. What would happen if.... [?] Give each side one massive weapon, big enough to wipe out and obliterate the other entirely and equally. Kill off everything. Dead. No survivors. Give the detonator not to their political, military or religious leaders, but to one anonymous parent, each whose child was killed by the other side. Close the borders. No one, in or out. Nobody. Leave those two parents, one Israeli and one Muslim Arab, to decide the fate of every life on the other side. They each, alone, hold the detonator. Give the political/military/religious leadership from both sides, 24 hours, one day and one night to make peace. Arab/Israeli conflict solved. They will decide to either all live together or all die together. Unless....[?] What do you think would happen? https://youtube/watch?v=HKx0tdlxMfY
Posted on: Sun, 03 Aug 2014 22:59:11 +0000

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