Here is my selected timeline of the Bergdahl backstory culled from - TopicsExpress


Here is my selected timeline of the Bergdahl backstory culled from various sources, including the 2010 rolling stone feature article, Wikipedia, and recent news reports . . . Early years (1996-2002) – Bowe is home schooled by his mother and father, who are ardent calvinists, and don’t trust secular public schools. By some reports he receives 6 hours of instruction a day on religious thinkers such Thomas Aquinas, and Saint Augustine. His home life is described as a hand to mouth existence, with his father making little money. 2002 – at age 16 Bowe grows disillusioned with his parents and calvinist doctrine, moves in with a local girl and her family, who operate a tea house. He apparently now converts to Buddhism. His father Bob- years later - endorses this move, saying he now considered it like his son had left home to go to college. 2006 – Enamored of combat and macho activities, Bowe travels to France, to enlist in the French foreign legion. He is rejected as educationally and temperamentally unsuitable, even though he speaks french. Bowe is devastated, and as a consolation immerses himself in the “Man vs. Wild” tv series, and re-imagines himself as Bear Grylls. 2007-2008 – Unhappy with his job as a coffee shop Barista, Bowe fantasizes about and discusses several “life plans” with his friends and family, including become a religious missionary in Uganda, teaching “self defense” in African villages, He also creates a preliminary plan – with his father’s encouragement – to create a mercenary strike force to conduct combat operations in Africa, but eventually abandons this plan because in . . . 2008 – Bowe enlists in the US army. He then asks his dad for permission, even though he is already committed. He tells family and friends that he hopes to be assigned to Afghanistan and help villagers rebuild their lives, even though his being trained as a combat soldier and has for years been expert marksman. June 27, 2009 – Bowe emails his father concerning his disillusionment with military service; some infer from the wording he selected that he is signaling his intent to go AWOL or desert. His father replies “follow your conscience”. June 30, 2009 – Bowe asks his unit commander if he can leave the base alone, after dark, with night vision goggles and his rifle. His unit commander forbids it. Bowe then leaves anyway, taking numerous pieces of gear, but leaving his rifle behind. July 2009+ – weeks of rescue ops for Bergdahl in Afghanistan produce only six US soldiers being killed in ambushes as they search for him, and others wounded. Berghdahl is never found. Feb 2010 – the Taleban begin contacting america, offering to release Bergdahl in exchange for various Gitmo detaineess. Nearly a dozen “proof of life videos” featuring Bergdahl are released over the years. August 2010 – Bowe Bergdahl converts to islam. The Taleban claim he is teaching them to make IEDs, but this seems unlikely, as they already have demonstrated a high level of expertise at this. 2010-2014 – Father Bob Bergdahl lobbies the white house continually to have his son repatriated from Taleban captivity. Saturday 5/31/2014 – Bowe is released in exchange for the 5 most dangerous men in Gitmo. Bowe speaks to his dad Bob (by telephone) in Pashto dialect. His dad Bob answers him in Pashto. On the grounds of the white house for a photo op at the time of the release, Bob Berghdal address the media in Arabic: “Bbismillah al-rahman al-rahim,” (In the name of Allah the most merciful) and calls for the release of all Islamic terrorists worldwide. Seems like the father has converted or at least is sympathetic to the Taliban/Islamic cause. This happens many times as an extended Stockholm Syndrome reaction, when weak minded individuals are influenced by the major event in their lives. This father seems to be a weak individual who is easily influenced by events! I doubt of the events summarized above will be of any comfort for the parents of the more patriotic soldiers who gave their lives, or were grievously wounded during the rescue attempts. Since Bowe Bergdahl clearly was not worth 6 dead American soldiers, or 5 Taliban field commanders, one has to ask the logical question What does the Obama administration hope to gain with this stunt? ALL I CAN SAY IS THAT WE NEED TO ROOT OUT THIS CANCEROUS CULT OF SOCIALIST ISLAM.... IT IS WAY PAST TIME FOR REVOLUTION...
Posted on: Mon, 02 Jun 2014 23:06:57 +0000

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