Here is part of an article i have copied from another page . - TopicsExpress


Here is part of an article i have copied from another page . This is pretty much to the point . we have to accept the fact (democratically ) Scotland voted no to independence . THIS DOES NOT MEAN WE GIVE UP THE FIGHT . Westminster may have been able to manipulate the vote through lies and dirty dealings but if they think the battle for Scotlands freedom is over they are mistaken. We must continue holding rallies, continue to attend meetings and knock on doors. We must not lose the momentum and impetus that has been created in the hearts of patriotic Scots who dont want to settle for Westminster rule. The rallies help to let people know that they are not alone in their aspirational desires for Scotland. Those who want to settle for Westminster rule are content to see Scotland become poorer, to see our services and benefits the SNP government have provided lost through lack of funds. Many pro Unionist people will never change their viewpoint because they dont care what happens to Scotland. They are content for our people to be called British poor rather than Scottish poor, which is all that matters to them, Others think they are too posh to vote anything other than Tory, and will support Camerons line regardless of what he does. It is the six percent that were persuaded by the lies and propaganda to believe that we would get substantial new powers that we must target. That six percent would have made all the difference, perhaps less than six percent if the vote count was an honest one, of that we will never know. Only the SNP fights for Scotland and we must accept that truth once and for all. We must turn our backs on the Red Tories masquerading under the Labour banner if we want Scotland to progress and get a fairer deal from Westminster. Remember, Brown was a Scottish Labour Prime Minister, Darling was a Scottish Labour Chancellor, and NEITHER of them did anything to help Scotland. They continued with the London-centric policies at the expense of Scotland. So why the hell would anyone think voting Labour would benefit Scotland in the future? Continuing to vote Labour is akin to throwing money into a fountain and wishing for something that will never materialise. The only person who benefits from your wishes is the one who cleans the fountain. The Scottish Labour MPs have become rich on the back of your wishes for a very long time, and they dont want that to end. Scots need to help Nicola and the SNP team by joining the Party, because its no longer enough to wave a Scottish flag or sport a YES badge. We must all become political activists if we want to be part of the force that is fighting for Scotlands freedom. Now is NOT the time to dilute the pro-independence vote, we must focus on winning our independence by turning all those Labour MPs into SNP MPs, that is the road towards independence now. Diversification into other Parties can come later, but now is not the time. FOCUS-UNITY-STRENGTH is the formula e for success. Focus on what is important; independence. Unity is essential so as not to dilute the SNP vote. Strength in numbers will make sure we are a force to be reckoned with and cannot be ignored. Like Alex Salmond, Nicolas political aspirations and incentive is to deliver a better deal for the Scottish people and for Scotland to become a better place for all its people to live in, irrespective of religion, colour or ethnicity. The SNP want to eliminate poverty, and provide social justice for all where every child no matter how humble their background has an equal opportunity to succeed. Now that is worth supporting, and fighting for, and why I have been a SNP supporter all my life.
Posted on: Sat, 18 Oct 2014 10:14:11 +0000

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