Here is something I have been pondering, and it really makes a lot - TopicsExpress


Here is something I have been pondering, and it really makes a lot of sense. The class war we all have been talking about is more like this. The top 1% isnt out to destroy the middle class, or the poor. Considering that Walmart, Target, McDonalds, etc... Are all byproducts of the 1% looking to capitalize on the 99%, think about how cheap you can get food, groceries, etc... from all these mega companies. How many jobs, as cruddy of a job that it is, but how many jobs do these corporations offer to low income citizens? No, you cant pay for luxuries that are shoved down our throats everyday, but is it a steady paycheck? What it affects are the mom and pop shops. They cant compete with the prices or selections, nor can they hire as many employees as the big chains can. It is so wrong to kill off independent businesses, but is a business owner in the same segment of the 99% as us po folks? No. They are the upper middle class, and lower upper class. Here is where my theory will come together. By offering more jobs and better values to the average Joe, they are doing a good thing. By targeting the moderately wealthy and wealthy, they can charge ridiculous prices, make em spend more to show their status and bleed them dry. Ever wonder why advertising always seems to push things on you that are not within your means? What they realize is that there is far more money to grab at this level than at the level we are on. What happens to us is that we cant see this front for what it is, so we get caught up in it and fall incredibly deeper into debt. The banks dont want that. They want people who can pay their credit card bills. We folks all the way down here have no reason to be caught up in this war. We all collectively havent even got enough $ to show up on the 1% radar. Let them fight it out.
Posted on: Wed, 19 Mar 2014 18:31:48 +0000

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