Here is the email I just sent out to race organizer Brent - TopicsExpress


Here is the email I just sent out to race organizer Brent Chambers, SVCC, and law enforcement. Below are pictures of the document I prepared showing what I caught that just went to him. The .pdf file is included so you can download. I shot video until my camera battery died... Please keep your comments coming, both good and bad. I really feel like we made progress! SEE BELOW: Brent, Please find attached file with 57 total violations I observed and one that was made to me by phone. If video/photos are present for each occurrence it is noted in the far column. If you need any of those files just send me the file number and Ill get it to you. I got some great video- running anonymously is perfect as the riders straightened up in the presence of an official or neutral support vehicle but in front of me sometimes allowed poor behavior to show. Unfortunately I was unable to retrieve every number from video, we will have to discuss perhaps numbers being placed on the lower back of the rider and kept in place, and/or larger tags (required) on the cycles. A few key points: Many, many support vehicles came over Salt River Pass, as you know. An unknown number came through with empty bike racks, the blue support sign, but the competitors numbers had been either purposely obscured or removed. I suppose spectators and interested public may travel segments that are out of bounds for support cars, but we need to reign this problem in. I was shocked at the number of cars intentionally violating the rules. Likewise, I was pleased to be part of ham radio and hear the reports of same going in. Im happy to know that there is a strong element of enforcement within the event. I also heard twice on ham radio the edict to get the guys to stay right and the support vehicles to move on down the road. Well done. I will lobby for more portable toilets. I did not witness the urination problem Ive heard so much about but am aware of some, and that LCSO got a few in Alpine. I do think you guys need more portables along the route. LCSO did a nice job keeping patrol spread out through the valley, another thing I got positive comments about. Being on the move is the best way to clean this up as opposed to being in a static location. I saw LCSO and WHP on the move and also taking action which is great. I did receive a few complaints of them sitting still in given locations while trouble was just out of sight, and must agree with complainants that it does little good as riders clean up their act when the know theyre being watched. My endeavor on the motorcycle went very well so I would suggest more motorcycles running cameras, and we need some to run anonymously as I did. I appreciated seeing the signage telling cyclists to keep right and not to impede traffic. Always a few bad eggs in the bunch and I got a lot of it on video, I shot until my camera battery was dead. I had lots of public comments but only one that came with number, location, and time. Disturbingly this was of #13 which I assume to be a race official blocking traffic through the Narrows at slow speed. I have video of #16 doing the same, please see the list. We certainly cannot allow race officials to block traffic for the riders. There was a 3rd incident of same, very, very large group of riders using the entire travel lane followed by an official on a motorcycle. I laid my motorcycle down trying to get video and was unable to get any numbers, but I counted 46 vehicles stuck behind that group. This is absolutely unacceptable. Over all I think this went well. The feeling in the valley is that we want to keep the race here so long as we continue to see improvement on the issues and complaints. I had many comments that this was the best theyve seen in years in terms of blocking traffic, littering, etc. I cannot tell you enough how much we all appreciate the proactive way that LoToJa has responded to our complaints and concerns. LCSO did a great job as well. There are other things Id like to discuss on how we can make the event safer and more pleasant for all of us so I look forward to working with you, law enforcement, Star Valley Chamber of Commerce, and our general public working towards a common goal. Lets speak by phone when things have calmed down for you after the event. Again, I truly appreciate your effort to get this under control. Regards, Jim --
Posted on: Sun, 07 Sep 2014 18:46:32 +0000

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