Here is what a Young Fireman posted today about BFPL: You guys - TopicsExpress


Here is what a Young Fireman posted today about BFPL: You guys are all fire geeks. there is no need for you all to sit and listen to scanners. - - - - - Also to the people calling it a public channel and wondering why we dont use a private channel, it is the fire departments channel you all think your pros but youre not. From Dennis Richardson the creator of Brush Fire Partyline I started the page as a way to communicate with a few friends, The reason I created the page is so we can get immediate information by listening to scanners and then I would pass the information out to my friends on Facebook. I cant believe how popular the BFPL pages have become and now we might have around 50,000 fans.... BFPL got much bigger than I could handle, so I asked for help and now we have a crew of awesome admins helping the page. The Admins of BFPL volunteer their time free of charge as a public service. The BFPL page did not take zillions of dollars of Tax Money to create and takes no money to keep it operational, in fact it cost nothing except our time... • By listening to the scanners we are able to post information when there is a public safety concern such as a brush fire... Our mission is to alert people so that they have advance warning, which gives everyone time to react. There has been times when a fan hears about a brush fire in their own backyard from an alert on our page and on a few occasions they have been able to put out the fire before the fire crews arrive, and possibly saving homes and lives... • Never again should we have a fire like the Cedar Fire that caught everyone by surprise from the first day of the fire to the last day of the fire, those were the days when there was no communication system within our communities. • BFPL depend on you, to provide information of incidents that might concern others, updates and pictures are always helpful. We also depend on our fans to give us heads up on anything you hear about, we as admins cant know everything that happens Side Story: 2003 Cedar Fire, My friends lived at the end of a long dirt road off Wildcat Canyon. they lived next door to the property where a large group of the residents died. My friends story goes like this: they saw the fire just before midnight, called 911. the 911 call taker told them the fire was a long way from their home that they don need to worry about it. They went to sleep and a few hours later woke up to orange in their bedroom windows. They jumped up, woke up the kids, jumped into the car and started racing away from the flames, the car stopped running because of the smoke, they jumped out of the car and ran for their lives towards the pond, they jumped in the water while the fire burned over them. they then walked wounded to Wildcat Canyon for help, They were in the Burn Center for many weeks... Their story and my experiences waking up to my backyard solid orange the first morning of the Cedar Fire is why I created BFPL PAGES.... You can call us FIRE GEEKS, we have lived through a Firestorm and WE DONT WANT TO HAVE TO LIVE THOUGH ANOTHER ONE - WITHOUT ADVANCE WARNING....
Posted on: Mon, 28 Jul 2014 20:12:03 +0000

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