Here it is⚡️ *I despise these soulless drones that are born - TopicsExpress


Here it is⚡️ *I despise these soulless drones that are born of capitalisms wet dream. Nomadic nuisances, musty, dank, agents of freedoms demise. Look stupid. The guitar dude singin is the devil, dig? The cop is God agitated by his song. The people want more music. But gods put the devil in chains. Funniest thing is, God keeps putting himself in jail. He doesnt want to be free, so he captures his disdain for himself in others, and hauls himself away. He has no piece of mind, until he himself is behind bars. He doesnt trust or like himself, he envisions himself an animal, he knows no wisdom. But hes masterful at setting traps for himself. The bible proves Im right. His whole gig is based on entrapment. Hes a trap setter. So he puts on a uniform an borrows an imagined authority, and pretends that he has done something worthy of punishment, and then arrests himself. Cant he see, he can be free with peace of mind, If he could self educate and disarm his unhealthy, destructive, oppressive anger. Ya see on one hand hes just a drone. No big deal, drones are everywhere. Mildly annoying usually but not entirely distasteful. But on the other hand. Drones like this shit head are attempting to blow out the candles that light the way for those who are lost. Life is right now, never before, never after! Understood? If this silencing of the soul continues and forms a stifling trend, Cities will become no more than machines, and the beauty of pilgrims and gypsies making their music will be only a memory. What is life without a song? I wont bother telling my unbelievable stories but suffice it to say, life is a song and dance, but others who arent so inclined or able, will try to convince you that its much more mundane than that. Its eat shit die. No more no less. I once asked a guy, what was the meaning of his life? He replied without hesitation, were born to die. That my friend is not someone who hears the music, not someone who dances with life. Honeybees are more important than people as far as life is concerned. For thousands of years they have been regarded as gods in their own rite. Every last culture on the planet, has revered then above a ALL other creatures. Bees dance! And hum the most exciting Opus youve ever heard. The dance is called a waggle. Back to stomping out the last of this mess. People are too dumb. Im embarrassed no longer to be associated with man. I disown him completely. Ive seen enough of what does not work. It is on my terms now. People are to be avoided. Im not a gloom cookie. Im the happiest person in the world. I just dont like most people. I dont know if that qualifies me as a misanthrope or not, but I tell you this, if I really like someone, which is rare, that person transcends before my very eyes into the immortal beloved. what sucks about feelings and relationships is, most people are ignorant to the fact that their conditional circumstances have beset them on all sides with the unconditional surrender to the acquiesce of love. In other words, they feel obliged not to live, because their promised a good death. Which usually takes 50-60 yrs on avg to fulfill. The world is full of zombies, most of em are married. Marriage is a joke. Its the opposite of romance. Its legal. (YUCK) Are you kidding. Lol Its all a show most of the time. It can truly be said, That a married couple, is in bed With the government. Drone slaves. Paint by numbers, cookie cutter, holy shit you wanted that all along I thought you were mocking that life, all along thats what you wanted. Whoops Well its still a joke to me. One youre on the wrong end of. Keep your chin up champ. Ill leave a light on for ya JayBee In all sincerity, I hope you live again. My world was certainly brighter when you were in it. Shine on wherever you are
Posted on: Tue, 21 Oct 2014 06:14:56 +0000

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