Here they are: the Moon Minutes... Monday November 17 The Moon - TopicsExpress


Here they are: the Moon Minutes... Monday November 17 The Moon is sweeping off the last bits of meticulous Virgo this morning. While she is void of course, it’s best to be extra careful with details as attention is easily distracted. At 12: 30 pm, MT, the Moon moves into balancing Libra. This part of us can take the highs and lows of insights over the past three weeks and see how they all play into and resonate with a bigger picture. The images transmitted by such an exercise can raise one’s consciousness to another level and produce a major shift in one’s frame of reference about the human condition. Libra can contrast and compare different points of view objectively, but have a hard time coming to a decision unless focused on an ideal outcome. Tuesday November 18 With this Libra Moon we can achieve a more balanced approach to the way we organize our options after working out a relationship issue. A level-headed view of a social problem can feel like coming out of the shadows and seeing dynamics at a whole new level. This unique perspective offers an estimation of how pleasing one’s social environment is. At 10:42 am, MT, the Moon enters her balsamic phase. This stage requires bringing together the insights of this Moon cycle to brew up a new vision for the future and transcend present conditions. It will take concentration on high standards to move beyond the status quo. People who have mutual insights on this may be companions for such a journey. Wednesday November 19 With this Libra Moon there are opportunities to comprehend the tremendous personal gains one has made in the life journey to date. At 7:25 am, MT, the Moon goes void of course until late tonight. While she is gently removing the compensating capabilities of Libra, we can spend some quiet time dwelling on how we allow our ideals and blessings to form our overall attitude which urges us to seek transcendent experiences when faced with disturbances. The Moon voiding Libra has an inclination to spiritual, even mystical, encounters. There can also be unrealistic expectations as the Libra imagination soars over treetops. Our minds will sink down into the nitty gritty as the Moon moves into the depths of Scorpio at 10:31 pm. Thursday November 20 The Scorpio Moon offers us a sense of how we have been able to rise above previous limits when faced with emotional turbulence caused by disappointments, rude awakenings, and other things which torment us. The Moon has returned to the place she last met up with the Sun, and we might ask how our insights on a subject have sharpened. And have they added to any self-sufficiency? Has our grasp of present conditions deepened to the point of knowing what to reinforce and what to eliminate? Today we can sharpen our awareness of what has transpired over the past month, especially about any tense, perhaps unexpected situations, and envision different integrating possibilities. Friday November 21 The seen and the unseen vie for our attention on this last Scorpio Moon day. Some of us may prefer to focus only on the obvious, but there is hidden information resonating with current conditions available to feed our souls. Recognizing it requires becoming more aware of subtle movements, just like our taste buds do when we sense a pinch of cumin in a sauce. Such knowledge can help us find the best social scene for developing our present capabilities and for introducing fundamental changes in how we anticipate an expansion of our consciousness. Listen to MoonWise tomorrow on the worldwide web at from 2:00 to 2:30 pm, MT, for the weekend Moon Minute. Weekend November 22 and 23 Both the Moon and the Sun entered the social ideals of Sagittarius this morning. At 5:32 am, MT, we had a new Moon beginning a cycle of becoming more aware of how we reaffirm our social values with consideration of new possibilities for the future. This might entail disregarding old beliefs or assumptions due to some inner discontent. This cycle is a spiritual journey of understanding some subconscious truths. There can be frustration Saturday with rationalizations of prevailing views. On Sunday there are opportunities for displaying one’s ability to maneuver through cultural differences and pressures to experiment with seeing social behaviors in differing ways that anticipate changes.
Posted on: Mon, 17 Nov 2014 03:07:02 +0000

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