Here ya go!! Enjoy :) Time and Meetings will follow shortly. Gold - TopicsExpress


Here ya go!! Enjoy :) Time and Meetings will follow shortly. Gold Town Throw Down WOD Descriptions and Standards Team WODS: WOD 1 15 Min. Time Cap 12 Tire Flips Front rack position hold at #65/#95 60 Combined (15 each) Burpees/Thrusters Teams consist of four people. On the call of 3… 2… 1… GO, the first athlete will begin to flip the tire, alternating sides after each repetition, meanwhile, the second athlete will need to hold a front rack position hold at either #65 or #95. After 12 tire flips are completed for the first athlete, the second athlete will start tire flips as the first athlete holds the barbell in the front rack position. If the athlete is unable to hold the front rack position, the athlete flipping the tire must stop until the bar is returned to front rack position. The first two athletes must complete tire flips and front rack position hold before they can move on to burpees and thrusters. Meanwhile, the next two athletes are performing tire flips and front rack position hold. Athletes will have one barbell to compete burpees/thrusters. While the first athlete is doing one burpee, the second athlete is performing a thruster. Athletes will alternate after each rep, completing a total of 30 burpees/thrusters. Standards Front Rack Position: -The barbell must start on the ground. -You may clean the barbell any way you choose as long as it ends in the rack position. -Your knees and hips must be extended at the top of the front rack position hold. Standards Burpees -Chest and hips must hit the ground. - It does not matter how the athlete stands up. -Athlete must clap and jump at the top of the movement. Standards Thrusters -The barbell moves from the bottom of a front squat to full lock out over head. -The barbell must start on the ground. -A full squat clean into the thruster is allowed if the bar is on the ground. -Hip crease must pass below the knees. -The barbell must come to full lockout overhead with the hips, knees and arms fully extended and the bar directly over the heels. Scoring Each team will start out with 0 points. The team with the fastest time will then earn 100 points. Second team to finish the fastest will earn 95 points. Third team to finish will earn 90 points and so forth. Every workout can be scaled, but you will lose a point for each athlete that needs to be scaled. WOD 2 15 min. Time Cap 100 meter run w/ partner 100 Double Unders Partner Plank w/ 25lbs 6 Power Clean to jump over wall #75/#135 Pet rock of 25lbs Mens Master #95 (Power Clean) Womens Masters #65 (Power Clean) On the Call of 3…2…1…GO, The athlete will jump on the back of his/her teammate. The athlete that is carrying his/her teammate will run 100 meters. Once they get to 100 meter they will switch and run back. The other two athletes will carry their teammate 100 meters, switch off, and run 100 meters back. The double unders and plank cannot be started until all athletes complete the 100 meter carry. The athlete performing double under first must place the 25lb plate on the teammates back doing the plank and must remove the plate once double unders are completed. They will then switch. The first two athletes to complete 100 double unders will then move onto power cleans and wall jump overs. One of the two athletes will begin to do one power clean and jump over the wall until he/she reaches six repetitions of each. Meanwhile, the second athlete will be holding the pet rock of 25lbs. The pet rock will not be allowed to be put down during the power cleans and wall jump overs until all athletes have completed 6 power cleans and 6 wall jump overs. Standards: Partner Carry -Partners can carry their teammates however they want, but athlete can not touch the ground. Standards Double Unders/ Plank Hold - The rope passes twice for each jump. Only Successful jumps are counted, not just attempts. - One athlete must place 25lb plate before starting his/her jump rope. If the athlete performing the plank drops the weight the person doing double unders must stop and place the plate back. -If the athlete performing the plank touches the ground with his/her stomach/knees/chest the athlete doing double unders must stop and wait until the athlete is in the correct position. - Plank must be done on your elbows/ toes with butt down and hips fully extended. Standards: Power Clean/ Wall Jump Over -The Barbell begins on the ground. - Barbell must come up to the shoulders, with the hips and knees fully extended and the elbows in front of the bar. -Athlete must have both feet on the ground before climbing over the wall. -Athletes may not help each other over the wall. Scoring Each team will start out with 0 points. The team with the fastest time will then earn 100 points. Second team to finish the fastest will earn 95 points. Third team to finish will earn 90 points and so forth. Every workout can be scaled, but you will lose a point for each athlete that needs to be scaled. Individual WOD WOD 1 For Reps: AMRAP in 6 min: Thrusters x 1 Toes to Bar x 1 Thrusters x 2 Toes to Bar x 2 Thrusters x 3 Toes to Bar x 3 Continue adding 1 rep to each movement until time expires. Female Thrusters: #65 Master Women #55 Male Thrusters: #95 Men Masters #75 On the call of 3… 2… 1… GO, the athlete will begin with one thruster. Once one thruster has been completed and the barbell is under control on the ground, the athlete then completes one toes to bar. This pattern will continue, adding one rep to each movement, each round, until time expires. Standards Thrusters: -The barbell moves from the bottom of a front squat to full lock out over head. -The barbell must start on the ground. -A full squat clean into the thruster is allowed if the bar is on the ground. -Hip crease must pass below the knees. -The barbell must come to full lockout overhead with the hips, knees and arms fully extended and the bar directly over the heels. Standards Toes to Bar: -Each rep starts with the athlete in full extension, hanging from the pullup bar. -The athlete’s feet must start behind the pullup bar and end in contact with the pullup bar for each rep to count. WOD 2 4 Rounds for Time: 2 Rope Climbs 8 Dead lifts 25 Squats On the call of 3…2….1… GO, the athlete will start climbing the rope any way he/she chooses. Athletes must touch the ceiling and show control before they jump off. After the athlete has climbed the rope they will do 8 Dead lifts followed by 25 air squats. Standards Rope Climb: -Hand must touch ceiling. -Athlete can climb the rope however they choose. - Athlete must show control at the bottom of the rope. Jumping off will not count as a rep and the athlete will need to repeat the rope climb before moving onto the dead lifts. Standards: Dead Lifts Men Open #275 Men’s Master #225 Men’s Masters 46 up #185 Women’s Open # 175 Women’s Masters #155 Women’s Masters 46 and up #125 -This is a traditional deadlift with the hand outside the knees. Sumo-deadlifts are not allowed. -Starting at the floor, the barbell is lifted until hips and knees reach full extension with the shoulders behind the bar. The arms must be straight throughout. -No bouncing, touch and go is allowed. Standards Air Squats -Hips below parallel - Full extension with hip and knees locked out.
Posted on: Mon, 15 Jul 2013 15:12:35 +0000

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