Heres a good way of thinking of it, If this vote was 30 years ago - TopicsExpress


Heres a good way of thinking of it, If this vote was 30 years ago there would be no social media, we would have to rely on Word of Mouth and most importantly what we are told by both parties and the media Better together have Lied consistently and spread fear about Pensions (still are) Supermarket Prices, Currency (ditto), EU, NATO, NHS and New Powers thanks to the advent of cross country communication and smaller bastions of journalism we learn that many of these things simply arent true, they are used to Lie and scare particularly complacent are the media, How many of you saw footage of the Jarrow March,massive NHS demos, the austerity demonstrations, the BBC demos themselves?? think of that, because of this modern tech we can dispel most of these as scare and bluster, but just think if we were 30 years ago and got the McCrone Report now think back to the fact that despite this the media continue to run tant amount to party political broadcasts and repeat the spite and vitriol of labelling an entire Movement the nationalists, trying to invoke Nazism at every turn which has lead to some very very ugly scenes Ealier we were treated to wall to wall coverage of Jim Murphy being hit with an egg, the same week a woman was kicked in the stomach by a BT campaigner, excrement was smeared all over the door handles and doors of a yes shop, a crazy guy chased the first minister in a car and both FM and Jim Sillars received death threats (FMs guy was actually charged) if this is the first time you are hearing any of this info, ask yourself WHY? do you really want the difference between your vote being because the Media lied to you ? Who runs this country ? We do and we are best placed to decide whats best for it The three statesmen today made impassioned pleas for their own jobs, it wasnt backed up with any substance just a timetable of something they had already said we were getting, so were they not going to offer it before ? now they are really serious this time ? If we win this, this is because of people power, and the government should be terrified of that The Info is out there dont hate the media, become the media
Posted on: Wed, 10 Sep 2014 16:21:17 +0000

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