Heres a letter I have written that I would like your opinion on - TopicsExpress


Heres a letter I have written that I would like your opinion on before I send it. Thanks! ATT: Kurt Tong – Charge d’Affaires ad interim, H.E. Mr Kazuyoshi Umemoto – Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, H.E. Mr. Jun Yamazaki – Deputy Representative of Japan to the UN, Wakayama Prefecture Office, Fishery Division, International Whaling Commission (IWC), Mayor – Taiji Town Hall, Taiji Fishermen’s Union, WAZA: The World Association of Zoos and Aquariums, Dear Gentlemen, Before I begin, I plead with you to read this letter in its entirety and with an open mind. And please remember, anything is possible if you focus and work together to reach a common goal. I had watched the film entitled “The Cove” a few years ago and was deeply disturbed by its content. In the years since, I have kept up with information on the happenings in Taiji, but only with an outside interest. I didnt know what to do, how to contribute, or how to voice my opinions in a way that would make a difference until very recently. I strongly feel that you cant get anything for nothing. All efforts and negotiations must have positive aspects for each side to move forward. Obviously I stand on the side that believes that the Taiji dolphin hunts must come to an end. But I also understand that you stand to lose money if you do stop. More on that in a minute. I dont have to tell you the dangers about mercury in the dolphin meat, or the fact that keeping information or even lying to your citizens about it will bring more repercussions than you will ever imagine once the truth is known to them. And as far as tradition? Yes, there is argument that you can hardly call this a tradition since you only began the mass capture and killing of dolphins in 1969. But lets say it is tradition. Like it or not, times change. People change. And global ideas change as well. Each generation deals with new issues, and therefore ideas and beliefs have to evolve with the times. Traditions must therefore sometimes be modified, let go, or changed. What is a tradition anyways? Its an idea or an act that one person or a group decided would be so exceptional, that it should be continued for years to come. But just because someone a long time ago had what was considered at the time a great idea, doesnt mean that each generation following will hold it with such merit. This is precisely the same reason that Christians are no longer being torn limb from limb by lions in the Roman Coliseum. There comes a time when a change must be made, and the time to make that change in Taiji is long overdue. With the herding of 250 dolphins last week, the abduction of the albino baby, and the killing of others in front of the worldwide media, you have to know that pressure is going to mount at even stronger levels for you to stop this. The people who are against what is happening are spreading the word and mounting a huge worldwide protest against. Celebrities and heads of state are getting involved, and soon, more and more of your own people will be standing up against you. Im sure you are feeling the pressure. So whether you want to admit it or not, you will have to eventually figure out a strategy to compensate when it gets to the point that you will have no choice but to end the killing. At this point, you might be feeling like youre up against the wall with the rest of the animal loving world ready to attack you. And Im sure that in that defensive position it is very difficult to think out of the box. All you are concerned with is continuing the hunt and bringing in the money. Or let me rephrase that, you are concerned with bringing in the money. If you can retain the money and stop the slaughter Im sure you would. Because who wants the pressure of the world on their backs? Am I right? Japan is a country whos technology and green energy make them the leaders in the world. But green energy and nature conservancy must go hand in hand if we want to have our citizens enjoy it for generations to come. I was born in Costa Rica. A country well known for its thriving eco-tourism. I’m sure Taiji is sitting on a gold mine if you just decide to change your tactics. From the pictures I have seen, Taiji is a beautiful place where tourists would flock to if they had adequate reason. Imagine people coming to the Taji Whale Museum to learn about the the wildlife surrounding the area. They could learn about the culture, the history, etc. Turn the butcher house into a conference building and have marine biologists from around the world come for conferences. The fishermen, instead of killing, can take tourists out to see the dolphins up close in the wild the way nature intended. Those same fisherman can educate the public for the good and still make money. Local artists can make jewelry and dolphin related gifts to sell that tourists will devour. Just think how much money you can make in marketing alone. Taiji dolphin plush animals, taiji keychains, Taiji sports bottles, the possibilities are endless. Work with the major cruise lines to make Taiji a port of call. One or two days a week of tourists coming over to tour the town, visit the museum, and see the infamous cove, will bring money as well. This may sound crazy to you, but how about even putting a zip line from one end of the cove to the next. People love those kind of things. Believe me, I mean no disrespect with any of this. Im being completely serious as I have witnessed it work in other places and I know that turning Taiji from a despised location (which it is now), to a place of worldwide respect, will allow your little town to proper in a positive light. Its time to start new traditions gentlemen. Were in a new millennium and need to work together to make this world the best place for everyone to live. These precious dolphins need not die. For years they have helped fisherman from sharks, possible drownings, and other dangers. Killing them and making them suffer is not the way to repay them. Please open your minds and try to plan for better alternatives. The world will thank you for it. Sincerely, Mauricio Segura
Posted on: Mon, 27 Jan 2014 02:54:50 +0000

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