Heres a reply I recently read on FB about the history of racism in - TopicsExpress


Heres a reply I recently read on FB about the history of racism in america that I would like to share. Alhamdulillah for Islam the only way of life if practice correctly will remove every ills of society in every time,place and land. Please read reply below from an american refuting the justification of racism in america today Those books are still available to you dude. Like the ones that delineate the difference between racist and bigoted or prejudiced. I know its all the rage nowdays to call blacks racist and scream reverse racism but you know thats not really a thing, right? If the first slave owner in America was indeed black does that somehow negate hundreds of years of brutal chattel (again, look it up) slavery? Slavery in which many millions died at the hands of whites? Slavery in which countless human beings were thrown from slave ship decks by whites, chained together by whites and condemned by whites to drown before they ever reached American shores? Slavery in which black women were summarily raped by whites and children sold off by whites never to be seen again? Slavery in which blacks were savagely mutilated by whites in front of others to instill fear? Slavery in which living black babies were used by whites as alligator bait? Really? No no Christopher, slavery in this country was an entirely different animal altogether, unlike anything any African ever dreamed of before or since. Racism as even defined by you Isrealis and palestinians, yamato and ainu japanese, cambodians and vietnamese, australians and aborigines, germans and poles...the list goes on and on.; those examples are SYSTEMS wherein those in POWER oppress others based solely on, wait for it... RACE. Last time I checked, black people in America were NEVER in a position to impose anything on a systemic, generational level that could disadvantage YOU and your offspring based only on your whiteness... starting to soak in now? America IS a RACIST construct, just ask any Native American (if you can still find one). African slave labor built much of this country and established its economic power. Dirt cheap Chinese labor built Americass railroads and connected its coasts. Cheap hispanic labor has contributed much to this nation and allowed white business owners and corporations to realize huge profits based on that cheaper labor. That my friend, is a SYSTEM, a system that has made this country a world superpower. A system that to this day gives advantages ONE group over & above all others. Your simplistic view on these issues that were centuries in the making only serves to bolster your own privileged existence in a country that was built on ground stolen and soaked in the blood of others... Shame on you.
Posted on: Sun, 30 Nov 2014 06:13:00 +0000

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