Heres a wake up call To all these girls with these posts about - TopicsExpress


Heres a wake up call To all these girls with these posts about these guys - Youvare just as naive and stupid as I use to be! I understand why every one was so irritated with my foolishness because thats exactly what I was and what you are now - a damn fool! Its frustrating when you dont see it for yourself, just like I didnt. So please, let me save you the embarrassment, the heart ache, and mostly the HEAD ACHE and let me tell ya like it is right now 😉 Im warning you, Im not going to sugar coat ANYTHING so if you want to keep on being the stupid, insecure, desperate person who thinks theyre not worth any better - go ahead and stop reading now. I completely understand! Because if youre REALLY like me, youre going to choose to be stubborn and not listen, but hopefully you have at least an ounce of self respect inside of you because thats the only thing that saved me. Lets cut to the chase shall we? 😊 1.) you cannot make someone be who you want them to be. Realize that! If theyre not who you want them to be the second you meet them, well guess what? 7 years later theyre not going to be any different. Your love will not change a single man on this earth so dont even waist your time trying! All that waisted energy and time is going to get you no where. Have you ever been angry at YOURSELF? Yeah! Let me tell ya! Its the worst kind of anger you will ever experience. Youll be angry at yourself for putting your ALL into this loser and having nothing to show for it when he finally shows his true colors. Before you do something for someone youre in a relationship with that will take a LOT from you on YOUR part - ask yourself this simple question.... If we break up, am I going to regret doing this for them? If the answer is yes, DONT DO IT!!! Youll beat yourself up for it down the road if he betrays you. 2.) just because you have kids with someone does NOT mean you have to marry them!!!! Yeah that wouldnt be very ideal, but neither is having kids out of marriage and we let that happen didnt we? - so give up on ideal because we already screwed that up! Accept it. Embrace it. And Move on. Youll never have an ideal life - and its okay!! If you want to leave, Its better to split while your kids are younger than to give them a taste of something that will eventually be snatched away from them. They cant miss what they never had 3.) are you questioning him cheating?wanna find out if he is? grab his phone out of his hands, run to the bathroom as fast as you can, and lock the door. Think Im crazy? Well Think again! If he psychotically beats down the door as hes cussing you, calling you every name in the book - let me give you a REALITY CHECK! Hes 100% DEFINITELY cheating on you! Dont even bother going through his phone - tell him to pack his shit and leave. If he stands there calm and confused - hes a keeper because hes got nothing to hide 4.) in the beginning when you first meet a guy you like - observe the way he treats/talks to his mother. If he cant respect the woman that gave him LIFE what on EARTH makes YOU think hes going to have any respect for you? He may respect you at first, but after hes got you hooked he will treat you however he wants to because he knows you will tolerate it. You dont believe me - thats fine! Youll find out the hard way (just like I did😉). Set boundaries - if they go past them oh well! On to the next. You wouldnt tolerate negativity from a friend ( u probably wouldnt be friends anymore) so why would you tolerate it from a Boyfriend? 5.) this applies to a LOT of girls I know --- if you HELPED him cheat on his girlfriend, when you BECOME his girlfriend he is going to cheat on YOU. Im sorry, but if you think youre an exception to the rule - you are 100% wrong/stupid!!!! Im not even sorry if I offended you because you needed that smack in the face to wake your stupid, naive ass up!!!! Kick him to the curb and quit boosting his ego by lying to yourself and giving him the benefit of the doubt! What makes you any different than her? Im sure at one point he was telling his ex I love you and all the other bullshit that hes telling you now! You say But hes talking about his future with me well yEAH!! And Im sure that was a lot of the topics in the convos he had with his ex too - dont flatter yourself! WAKE 6.) are you in one of those on again off again relationships? You know the one where youre together for 3 months then break up for 2weeks, then youre back together again for a month and break up for another week. Yeah yeah!! YOU!! Save yourself and everyone around you the confusion and just be honest with YOURSELF!!! Youre not IN love him! Hes not IN love with you! The sooner you come to that realization - the better off you BOTH will be. You both may love Eachother (like u would a family member) - but if youre not IN LOVE with eachother then the relationship is just a disaster waiting to happen. Its like a time bomb waiting to go off. Its easy to stay together especially if you have kids, but when you ARE together youre MISERABLE!!! And its not good for any of you ESPECIALLY youre kids. Leaving for good is not going to be easy by ANY means, but its also not easy rolling over every night crying yourself to sleep because you know deep down the man laying next to you (whose not even noticing your tears) is NEVER going to make you happy. Coming to that realization is a hard one to swallow, but its that confirmation you need with yourself that will allow you to take a step in the most difficult BUT most beneficial direction. I was told if you always do what youve always done, you will always get what youve always got (thanks Dad and Jamie lol!) If you keep taking him back ESPECIALLY after you find out hes cheated, if you KEEP ACCEPTING his apologies, JUSTIFYING his actions - you will ALWAYS get the same outcome!!!! You will always be made a fool of every time. WHY?? Because people do NOT CHANGE unless they change on their own for THEMSELVES!!! No one is going to change for YOU! Who the hell are you to think someone is going to change for you? If you dont mind living your life unhappy - then just stay and settle like you have been.. OR you can make a change and do something youve never done! What if you learned to love yourself first, you put your foot down and REFUSED to tolerate anymore of his bullshit? What if you learned to rebuild yourself after getting rid of this waist of space once and for all? What if you got up the courage to do it and you actually do find true happiness? Wont all that heart ache, overcoming that fear to do it, and all that stress be all worth it? What about everything youll GAIN from it? Think of what it will teach you and what you will learn from it and learn about your self ... Really Think about it. 7.) MARRIAGE changes NOTHING accept your name. < thats it!!! It wont make him stop cheating, it wont make your problems magically disappear! If anything it makes your problems even bigger because now you have the pressure of being married weighing on both of your shoulders. Its not easy when a lot of times you cannot stand to even be in the same room with this bum and then the words til death do us part repeat over and over in your head which DEFINITELY doesnt help. So the point is - if youre not 100% all of your mind, heart and soul, head over heals in LOVE with this person - then dont marry them!!! Nothing else matters!! Trust me!!! Put them out of their misery now unless you BOTH want to be miserable in the years to come. 8.) after you leave the bastard, dont rebound into another relationship because youre lonely. You need alone time to get your life back on track! Chances are, if youre coming out of a bad relationship theres a good chance youve lost who you really are by being with them for so long. Learn who you are again without this burden on your shoulders. Learn to fully love yourself again because if you dont I can guarantee you will walk right back into ANOTHER toxic relationship and the cycle will continue. Stop being a fool and start being your own best friend😉 Become the person you wish to attract and you will never feel like you have to settle AGAIN!! Did I wake you up with my reality check?? ... Good! Now go dump that loser! 😉
Posted on: Fri, 23 Jan 2015 07:17:25 +0000

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