Heres an excerpt from the beginning of chapter 1 of my newest - TopicsExpress


Heres an excerpt from the beginning of chapter 1 of my newest book, The Handbook for Members of Congress. I am in no way finished with this chapter. Chapter 1: How to Increase Your Income You have the ability to decide how much you get to get paid. That decision is purely in your hands. Don’t think that you have no power over it. Your salary is based on the amount set forth by the legislative branch of your government, the branch of your government to which you belong. As a member of the legislative branch of your government, no one but you and your coworkers can alter your salary. If you want a raise, all you need to do, as a member of congress, is to conspire with your fellow members of congress to give yourselves one. No one is going to give you a raise but you. So, the rest of the American people would like to know why you haven’t yet been selfish enough to give yourselves each a million or more dollars a year in salary. You’re selfish enough to sell yourself out to big business in order to make a million dollars, but to take that million dollars from the American people, you see problems. The American people see problems too, only because they too are getting paid too little by big business. Big business is the problem. We are no longer going to have a government that is controlled by big business. No, you all are going to pay yourselves enough from our taxpayer dollars to afford your house, your campaigns, and your yachts should you have them. The American people are willing to pay you money that is out of our hands in the first place, provided that you do a good job for them. Instead, you have this perception that the American people are going to vote you out of office for giving yourselves a raise in the order of millions of dollars. First of all, you do realize that if you so chose to do so, you could legislate yourselves a salary of 20 trillion dollars a year apiece. Such a raise would indeed get you voted out of office. However, if you were to divide that 20 trillion figure by a full million, you would get 20 million dollars a year, apiece, for all of you members of congress. Not one American person outside of the members of congress (besides the president, who can veto your raise) can veto your raise. If you want to give yourselves a raise, you first need to give the president a raise. So, how much should you raise the president’s salary? He or she currently makes $400,000 per year. You, as a member of congress, currently make $174,000 per year. I am absolutely certain that this $174,000 figure was not $175,000, because you all feared that the American people would vote you out of office should it be rounded up to the nearest $25,000. You clearly wanted to make the amount of salary appear less than arbitrary, as if you had some reason not to round off to a clear quarter hundred thousand. You are like the retailer who charges people such and such dollars and 99 cents on everything, just so that the consumer feels as though he is paying a full dollar less when he’s really paying a penny less. You can’t fool the American people with your $1,000 less under $175,000, as if we weren’t paying you practically $175,000. Likewise, the speaker of the house gets paid $223,500 per year, as if the American people could be fooled into thinking that we weren’t virtually paying him or her the full $225,000. In addition, the president pro tempore gets paid $193,400 a year, because $193,500 would be too close to $194,000 which would be too close to $195,000, which would be too close to $200,000 presumably. We can tell that you are coming up with your self-appointed wages with desires to appease the American people in mind. You dont want us to be upset by your wages, so you pay yourselves so little that you cant even afford to adequately work for us without campaigning using outside contributions. We, the American people ought to be ashamed of ourselves for even insinuating that the way to solve our national debt crisis is to cut the allotted taxpayer wages from the government itself! Who is going to work for the people if the people arent willing to pay anyone to work for them?! We aren’t going to have this discussion anymore. You, as members of congress, deserve to be paid more than any of these wages by the American people. I don’t care how much the American people hate you right now. You deserve more than $1,000,000 apiece, and the president deserves more than $10,000,000. If we are going to honor our professional athletes with wages in the millions, then our president ought to be tens of times better paid than them. There is no reason why the American people should have any problem with paying their president any more than a baseball player on a team that never even wins the World Series, and yet this is the case. The American people will no longer have any problems paying their politicians, because their politicians are going to stop working for big business. Our politicians are going to stop seeking the excess income that the American people supposedly refuse to pay by appeasing the agenda of big business. No longer shall the American people be shafted by their own politicians on account of the politicians themselves feeling the need to work for someone who will actually give them the wages that they deserve. I don’t care which American person thinks that his senator or his representative in congress deserves less than $5,000,000 every single year. I don’t care. I don’t. And no one else should either. Anyone who thinks that his government masterminds should be paid less than one sixth of the average wage of the NCAA football coaches is crazy – is absolutely crazy and out of his mind and anyone who listens to him ought to be corrected by someone who knows what he’s talking about. We, as the people of the United States of America are no longer going to be upset by a congress who makes so little in American taxpayer paid wages that they need to seek assistance from big business just in order to have a successful campaigns. We will make sure that incumbents work for us and that they are paid well enough so that they don’t have to take a dime from anyone but us. We are the boss of the congress. The congress is supposed to work for us. As a boss, we are responsible for paying our congress a wage that will get them to do the job that we desire for them to do. There is no American taxpayer in the United States of America who shall be allowed henceforth to complain for one second about how his or her congress works for big business while simultaneously saying that the exact same congress ought to be running to big business for a decent wage. We, the American people demand the right to a congress that works for us, and we are absolutely willing to pay that congress out of our own pockets. Anyone in this country who says that his or her congress makes too much money ought to look at the facts. Stop saying, “They make more than me.” They should! The members of congress absolutely should make more than the average salary of the NCAA football coaches. There is no means of logic according to which a person who wants his government to be for the people and by the people when the people are hell bent on keeping their government in bondage to big business for a wage. When the people force the congress to go elsewhere for a decent wage, they in essence don’t care if the government works for them. They don’t want to shell out the money to have a government that works properly. They would rather say, “Pay the government less so that they have to appease big business even more.” That is what they would rather say. And what I am saying is this; This mentality stops here. You are not going to read this book and tell yourself ever again that your government is overpaid by the people. It is the people who must be responsible for doing whatever it takes to make their government work for them. And if it starts by supporting wages that would take the hands of our government leaders out of the pockets of big business for campaign finances, then that is clearly where it needs to start. All of this underpaying is going to stop. We, the people of the United States of America are fed up with minimum wages that are too low and a congress who has to keep that minimum wage low in order to ensure that campaign finance dollars roll in for them. No! We, the American people are going to reform your campaign finances by paying for them and then writing up bills to outlaw the earning of a penny of campaign finances through corporations ever again. We are going to make sure that our politicians work for us, even if that means doubling, tripling, quadrupling, or just plain multiplying by a factor of 20 altogether, the wages of our politicians so that we get the government that we pay for. We, the people ought to be ashamed of ourselves, paying our government masterminds less than that upon which any human could be expected to run a decent campaign and then to complain about how our government works for big business. Well, of course they work for big business! Who is paying them more than the people? Big business is! You can’t have a government that works for the people when big business is financing virtually every person that works in power therein. We are wiser than this. We need a government that is wiser than this. We shall have a government that is wiser than this. Big business does not run this country. Is that clear? Any member of congress who does not think that this is clear must step down and leave politics altogether, for they are not representing anyone in congress but themselves. They are working for their own pocketbook, which is filled by the interests of big business. No one in this country ought to be surprised that we have a government that gives big business everything that they want to the detriment of the masses. The surprise is that no one has ever stood up and forced this truth down the throats of the American people in a way that they can neither regurgitate nor refuse to swallow. These are inalienable truths that start with the American people paying more than $0.07 a year per Members of congress, your days of being run by big business are over. Do you hear me? Your days of being run by big business are over. You are no longer held by the puppet strings of the fat cats in industry. You cannot allow yourselves to continue on this path. You are your own politicians. You work for the people like you dreamt of doing in the days before you realized that accepting campaign finance dollars from the fat cats of industry was technically the only way to keep your job. You now have another solution to keep your job. It is totally legal and the people will gladly stand behind you if it means that you no longer have to turn your back on them in order to stand behind big business. You are going to vote yourselves in a raise, and any American person who stands against your desired increase in taxpayer paid wages ought to argue that his NCAA football coaches should only earn $150,000 a year. Oh, but that would put the NCAA football coaches up in arms, now wouldn’t it, because they believe that they are worth much more than a hundred thousand some dollars. Well so are you! Start acting like it! Vote yourselves a raise and earn it! We, the American people will pay you more if it means that you will work for us more. Do you understand these things? Have I been unclear? Tell me where I am wrong, for I myself am literally blind to a single wrong word thus uttered in this book. I cannot see where I have gone wrong, but I can tell you all day long where you have. Listen carefully to me. I can give you more power to run a country properly than you and your fellow members of congress have ever thought possible, and as of right now, I know full well that you would rather prove me right than wrong. I will continue this trend throughout this book in order to gain report with you. I do not oppose you whatsoever. You are my congress. I love you. You work for me. You work for the American people. You do not work for big business on account of the American people’s supposed refusal to pay you more when paying you more is not in the American people’s hands in the least. The powers of the American people are not where your salary comes from, or else we’d be paying you nothing to the detriment of our entire way of life seeing as how paying you nothing would only piss you off and make you hate us. We can see that if we do not pay you enough, you will run to big business to our neglect. You have every reason to do so, and any American person who thinks that you ought to finance your campaigns with less than $200,000 ought to be labeled a traitor to his government and his fellow Americans. I don’t care. All I care about is having a government that works, regardless of how much they need to be paid by the people in order to work for the people. You do not get a government that works for the people when they are not paid by the people. You simply do not. You cannot. No one can. It doesn’t work that way. No, it does not. There is no argument about this. The American people need to pay the government more money or else the government shall have no choice by to ask big business to pay them more money. And when big business pays more than the American people do, for whom is the government going to work? Answer me, you tightwad Americans who hate your government so much that you actually think that the solution to your own financial troubles is to take what little you’re paying your politicians and to withhold it from them. Do you vote? Do you care who is in office? Okay then, vote for people who work for the people. Every media advertisement for every political candidate should have a numerical tagline with a dollar sign to its left, indicating the amount of money that that candidate has been paid by sources other than his own taxpayer paid salary. In other words, we, the voters demand to know who is selling out to big business and who is not. Taking money from big business has got to work against the politicians somehow, and forcing a dollar figure to be posted on every advertisement for political campaigns will force politicians to take less from big business in order to get voted in. We, the American people will not vote for those who sell our government out to people whose interests have nothing in common with our own. The government must work for the interests of the people. We will not have discussions about this. The American people have a right to a government that works for them! We the people have an inalienable right to a government that works to solve our problems and not a government that works to solve the problems of big business to the detriment of our entire American society and our entire American way of life.
Posted on: Thu, 10 Jul 2014 04:25:38 +0000

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