Heres another one! A bit childish, but fun! A friend gave me some - TopicsExpress


Heres another one! A bit childish, but fun! A friend gave me some inspiration for this one:) Enjoy! ^o^ Deep within a dark shadowy forest, roamed a bright dragonfly. By bright, I mean his skin was actually bright. Blues and oranges and yellows! Colors creatures in the forest have never seen before. All of the animals and bugs and even the nasty spiders adored the dragonfly. And for good reason. He was beautiful and kind and special for sure Some bugs whisper that the gods all personally had a hand in making him. That even the gods adored him. But no one knew where the dragonfly lived, where he called home. And no one ever talked to him more than a grateful hello. No one knew that the dragonfly felt lonely, and that he had no friends. Because everyone else knew that the whole entire forest adored him, so no one even thought to ask or try to help. Yet. Day after day the dragonfly would sit at home and cry. Trying desperately to find out what it is thats wrong with him. Why didnt people say more than hello? What could it be? He didnt have a single clue. He had no idea that the real reason they said only hello is because they loved him so much they were intimated by him somewhat. The truth is, the dragonfly thought he was horribly ugly, that all of his bright colors didnt quite fit in with the colors of the dull forest. And his cheerful smile and fun way of flying didnt quite settle with the norm. He was scared, everyday that theyd find him and kick him out of the forest. Or worse! No, he couldnt dare stay, theyll hurt him for being so different! He had to leave. So the dragonfly darted away one night, leaving all of his things behind with the forest. Leaving all of the little animal and bug kids that cheered so happily upon seeing him. Leaving all of the grateful creatures behind himself. It only took a day for the creatures and things to notice the disappearance. They thought maybe he was sick. But none were prepared when he didnt show for weeks on end. Some feared his kind soul got hurt or had died somehow. All they could do was go on with their lives. They had to learn how to go on without the dragonfly. But most couldnt. After seeing such bright and vibrant colors on the dragonfly, they couldnt take seeing the dull forest without him in it. So they set on a hunt for him. Maybe he wad in danger somewhere, and needs their help. The moles dug underground and asked moles all over the forest about a colorful dragonfly who may have pasted. The birds flew across the canopy with the same mission, but keeping an eye out below. Squirrels jumped and scurried through the trees, the whole forest shout and squeaked for this dragonfly. But they didnt find him. Didnt even get a sniff of his little scent. Except another dragonfly, one a tad bit more dull than the lost dragonfly. He found him. The dragonfly was resting on a branch of a stray tree outside the forest. Watching the chaos. Whats the commotion? The lost dragonfly asked You! The dull dragonfly breathed They both laughed, the dull dragonfly because of how obvious it is and the colored dragonfly because of how crazy it sounds. The dull dragonfly then explains to his bright friend how the whole forest adores him, and how jealous the dull dragonfly was of him. That he wishes he was so beautiful and so loved. The colorful dragonfly was happy and surprised. Come back with me! The dull bug exclaims, We all miss you. The kids, the moles, the birds, even the spiders miss you!! The little dragonfly felt so big then, that so many creatures loved him. But he had to be sure, Even the spiders..? The dull bug laughs, Yes! The moles havent even seen you before, but they still dig and search for you. Come back with me, please. You are an inspiration for me and my kids. My sons want to be as nice and colorful as you someday, they told me that. The dragonfly couldnt say no. He traveled back with his new friend. And all of the forest celebrated his return. That night the animals and bugs laughed and played, the dragonfly made hundreds of new friends. He found out that, in the end, nothing was wrong with him after all! The end :D I hope you enjoyed this one too! Its not as intense lol
Posted on: Tue, 11 Mar 2014 06:38:40 +0000

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