Heres my essay I left to the last minute to do. Soil - TopicsExpress


Heres my essay I left to the last minute to do. Soil Sport I’ve always taken pride in winning when it comes to competitive things, whether it is sports, video games, or even card games. Mostly video games, though. Whenever I start losing, a part of me dies inside. I feel like my soul is being torn out of my body, like a page being ripped out of a book. A book about how I win, as should be prophesied. “Mackenzie wins, because he is so good, and better than everyone else.” I feel that my intelligence is being insulted, like people are laughing internally at me, thinking “wow, that guy is really bad at everything, his life will never amount to anything.” Then I start getting depressed and angry at the same time, like all my negative emotions come out all at once, and merge together to create a whole new, unstable, negative emotion, and I explode. I was playing Mario Party on the Nintendo Wii with my friends, six years ago. The object of Mario Party is to collect the most stars. (It is a video game/board game and towards the end, certain players will be rewarded bonus stars for either winning the most mini-games, collecting the most coins, or landing on the most green spaces.) There were about six of us; only five, including myself, were playing. The environment was really calm and friendly and I was in the lead with four stars, and 150 coins. Everything was going just dandy, until I struck gold with vein of pure bad-luck. My dice rolls started to become absolutely horrid: It got to the point where I rolled three ones in a row, then after that, two two’s in a row. The die goes up to ten. That’s when my blood began boiling, my whole body began to heat up, and my heart began to race. It only got worse as the game went on; I began losing mini-games, consistently, and my determination to win became stronger as turns passed by. I started ranting on how apparently “God hates me,” and how “I’m scared out of my wits, because of how terrible my luck has been,” and what if my bad luck continued after the game was over. My body began to shake like a Teacup Chihuahua. There were five turns left, my friends all caught up with me, each of them with the same amount of stars as I had. I still had an inkling of hope left within me. “I can still win this.” I thought to myself, smiling, my body tingled with excitement. I felt like getting up and prancing around, expecting to win. The game ended with me having seven stars, two of my friends with five stars, and the other friend with six. Then it dawned on me, my pupils shrunk, blood boiled hotter than molten metal, I thought to myself “Bonus stars…” My other friend who had six stars had gotten two bonus stars, and non for me. He won. He won because of bonus stars. My anger reached to maximum level. I felt my head wanting to explode like a volcano, and suddenly, out of anger, and threw my controller as hard as I could at the television, busting the screen, and shattering the remote. My friend’s jaws dropped to the floor, his mother rushed into the living room, wondering what happened, and looked at the broken television. She yelled “WHO DID THIS?” she looked at me, noticing my beat-red face and clenched fists. My anger suddenly turned into fear, my heart sank deep into my chest. “YOU!” she yelled at me. “Pack you’re damn bags, you’re going home.” My face immediately turned from beat-red, to ghost-white. I wanted to die, right there on the spot, praying that this was just a horrible dream, I soiled myself. After she took me home, she had a word with my parents. She told them I wasn’t allowed to come back to her house, ever again until I learned to control my anger, or at least bought her a new television. My parents grounded me for four months. They also ended up buying a new television for my friend’s parents, out of courtesy. So, for a whole six months, I was only allowed to watch the news, no cartoons, no video games, no hanging out with friends, and no computer. Those were the most boring four months in my life, I wanted to die. Let’s just say, I don’t play Mario Party, anymore.
Posted on: Sat, 29 Mar 2014 19:53:37 +0000

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