Heres one for you. Every year for 32 years (the entire available - TopicsExpress


Heres one for you. Every year for 32 years (the entire available data) GERS includes a deduction from Scotland’s block grant equivalent to Scotland’s population percentage share of Westminster debt. Over the 32 years, Scotland’s share of UK debt interest amounted to £64.1 billion. However, during that time had Scotland been an independent country with its geographic share of oil revenues established under international law (as would be the case under independence) Scotland’s’ borrowing over 32 years would have been zero, nil, nothing, no pounds sterling at all. Where as the current level of debt to be serviced is well over a TRILLION POUNDS!. tbh I am of the mindset that we are in this untenable position because of successive failure by individuals that we didnt elect to govern us. Debt is slavery. Currency is Fiat. Money does not exist, nor does the Sovereignty of the UK, for it has been sold off at rock bottom prices to the germans. (see Gordon Browns, Gold sales between 1999-2003. to the point that their is no more gold in the Bank of England.) A monetary policy that is more of an oxymoron that it is an actual policy. Rising inequality between those at the concentrated top and the absolute Millions of individuals like me and you and your granny have diminishing social mobility, lower prosperity, and practically no wealth. -and liabilities are not wealth. HP and Credit cards, mortgages, all they do is promote a sense of wealth attainment, however they are nothing more than additional liabilities that have placed further fiscal burdens onto the individual. enslaving them further till all the debt plus the interest is paid off. Your pension has been raided. (remember the fall of the Pru?) Your State has been sold off (see above) Your services have gone (NHS was the worlds single largest employer in the world. has now been fractioned off into little pieces with the best stuff being sold, so if your looking for a brain surgeon: you cant afford one, for they have been sold off and now working for some american healthcare company) Your government is crooked (Expenses scandals ) Your servants are disgusting. (pedos in westminster!) So please can someone tell me why we are better together?
Posted on: Wed, 03 Sep 2014 09:29:07 +0000

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