Heres what I had to eat for Mothers Day, day 7 of my Ultimate - TopicsExpress


Heres what I had to eat for Mothers Day, day 7 of my Ultimate Reset. I had a cup of coffee for starters. :) Just one cup, and this is allowed on the UR. You are advised to avoid caffeine altogether if you can manage that, but if not, then one cup of organic, black coffee is acceptable. Last Spring I gave up my coffee completely for 21 days, but I think this one cup is sticking with me this round. I know it was Mothers Day, and I saw lots of posts of goodies that their families brought to moms as breakfast treats. And I think that is fabulous. It just isnt my style though. I didnt sacrifice a thing, in my opinion, to have the bfast that I had, and to even make some for my hubby! We each had a bowl of oats (old fashioned rolled oats cooked with water, 1 small diced apple and some Stevia plus a dash of organic cinnamon) which we topped with organic yogurt (to which I had added some raw apple cider vinegar and Stevia), plus 2 Tbsp chopped walnuts. It was SO satisfying!! Ben loved it too. The menu actually called for flax seeds instead of the walnuts, but I know Ben loves it this way so we deviated slightly from the menu. We attended a wonderful church service at First Presbyterian, and then stopped by Wendys to pick up lunch for the boys and Ben. Yes, call us crazy, but MY treat was to NOT have to prepare lunch or dinner for anyone but myself! Ha! And they love Wendys so it was a treat for them too (I just have to shut my eyes and pretend like they arent ingesting all manner of things that are toxic to their bodies). Ben got a salad, which he and I enjoyed on our patio together, as I ate my microgreen salad, topped with sliced avocado and toasted pumpkin seeds. As we were sitting there, he was reading the label on the salad dressing, which he thankfully only used a small drop of. Good Lord. They advertise that it has olive oil in it and omega 3s...because they know that consumers are now looking for these food items. But turn the package over and read the list of ingredients. Soybean oil is the first oil (pro-inflammatory, GMO), theres corn syrup, preservatives, and other chemicals...and oh, yes, they threw in a drop of olive oil somewhere. Thanks, Wendys...So anyway, I kept up with all my supplements, and downed that green alkalinize drink (still experimenting, now I am making a GIGANTIC glass of it with the hope that diluting it will be more tolerable. It is, just more to drink). For dinner, I had one of my favorite meals on the program: Baked Tempeh, steamed broccoli and quinoa. I love the flavors of this meal, and also the ease of preparation! You marinate the tempeh and then just stick it in the oven. It cant get easier than that. The quinoa was already cooked, all I did was warm it up. The menu actually called for brown rice but I subbed the quinoa because I want to use that last bit of rice for my rice and beans tonight--no big deal, its an acceptable substitution. For snacks, I had a couple handfuls of cashews (my favorite nut!). I should also note that there is a cashew soup that I chose not to make (this is why I had cashews in the pantry). Many people love this soup, but it was not my favorite so I skipped it. There is another soup coming up that I DO love, so I will definitely make it! Exercise today was a 45 minute walk and more packing and loading of my car. We are taking some heavy and bulky stuff to Chattanooga today so that was quite a workout just getting the cars loaded. So...I hope you can see that even when you make a mistake the day before, you dont need to sit there and beat yourself up about it, you just pick right back up where you left off and march on. I felt GREAT on Mothers Day and my meals were all delicious!! I hope that you had a wonderful day too!!
Posted on: Mon, 12 May 2014 10:43:41 +0000

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