Heres what I learned from working for 8 companies for the past 18 - TopicsExpress


Heres what I learned from working for 8 companies for the past 18 yrs of my career life. 1. There is no perfect company (maybe Google to some but thats in the U.S. so no pt in comparing) so make the most out of what you have. 2. Figure out first what youre good at and what will make you happy. 3. Money doesnt buy you happiness. It buys you material things and allows you to enjoy certain luxuries in life but it will never make you happy. 4. Not all that glitters is gold. That position may look good as a title but you can never bring that to your grave. What matters is how you treat people to get to where you want to be in the corporate world. 5. When you choose a job because its NOT hard work for you, youre in the wrong industry. If you dont want to work hard and learn, then you should rethink again if your values and principles are aligned to the company you work for. 5. Bosses come and go. Believe me, Ive worked with the best bosses and the worst bosses. But Ive learned to take the good with the bad and a skill people forget is you need to manage your boss, because they are never perfect. But they teach us valuable lessons in life, whether its about leadership or lack of it. 6. Assess what motivates you and never make it just about your family. No this isnt selfish. Its just that family should always be there to support you no matter what. But your family isnt gonna be there to do the job for you, your family isnt going to be there to face the boss in good times and bad. YOU are responsible for your own motivation. But you have to figure out first what motivates you, what will drive you to work hard and learn. 7. Not everything can be planned. I never imagined I would handle Reputation Mgt when I graduated from U.P. I tried out different fields when I was young simply because I wanted to figure out what I was good at. I tried sales, customer service, HR, surveying, statistics, events mgt etc until I figured out I was really good in training and corpcom which eventually led to my newfound career 8 yrs ago when I decided to focus on brand and marketing mgt. What Im doing now has little to do with what I studied (except for the CSR part now bec of my community devt background) but its been an interesting and fulfilling journey. 8. Everything is a choice. Not choosing is also a choice. But your heart and mind should rationally balance that choice. Its YOUR life after all, not anyone else.
Posted on: Mon, 01 Sep 2014 08:50:15 +0000

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