Heres whats on my mind today...(its a long one, so get - TopicsExpress


Heres whats on my mind today...(its a long one, so get comfy). I think its really normal for us to get caught up in...well, US. We think about our *needs* and our *wants* and sometimes, what we are *lacking*. Lets all pull from a place of ABUNDANCE today. And lets take our blessings (our talents) and do something for someone else. I had an experience recently, where I reached out to someone because I wanted something from her. It was basically a business transaction and I had nothing to offer her in exchange (except payment). We were complete strangers, mind you. Mutual friends, but had never met. My intention was to be kind and direct but I inadvertently upset her with my call. (Note to the peanut gallery, I did not mean to.) So while I was hurting over the fact that she misunderstood my intentions, rather than call her again and possibly re-light the fire, I decided to give her space to think about my offer to her, and then to use my talents in the meantime, to create something *for her* that might make her turn her thoughts around. I had the ability and the knowledge to give her a gift, so to speak, and I poured into it. It made me feel better. She never called me back. In all honesty, I have been nervous about contacting her again to offer what I made in exchange for what I want...and I am torn with the idea that I created something really beautiful for her but Im asking for something for myself in return. A few of my close friends have been encouraging me to reach out to her again...but for now, its to be continued. The point is, I could have been mad that she misunderstood. I knew what my intentions were. I could have poured my energy into the negative side of things. I could have griped to all my friends about it and pulled them into the negativity. But instead, I chose to make something (that was actually fun for me to do, that allowed me to be creative for several hours and to work from a place of joy) that ultimately might make her objections move to the side and we could both have what we want. Heres the deal. You dont have to feed an orphanage, or save baby seals to make an impact on the world. Maybe today, you spend time with one of your children who desperately needs your undivided attention. Maybe God gifted you with the ability to paint but you havent picked up a brush in years. Paint. Maybe your spouse needs to feel like you respect the contributions they are making. Thank them. Maybe you need to cook a meal for your family from scratch. Make the house smell amazing (my trick: grilling onions always makes a house smell really good--lol). Maybe you could bake a batch of cookies for a neighbor who lives alone? Pray for someone who has wronged you. Maybe you need to give your sister a call and give her some loving words (and your ear) because you know she is struggling in her job. How can you bless someone today with just you and your beautiful talents? With just your time and love? Honor God today. Spend some time being joyful with the blessings that you have and pour into someone else today. And yes, MAYBE, I will take some of my own advice (because its rooted in Him) and MAYBE I will send an email to a certain person with my project. And....I think I have some cookies to bake too. :) xoxo, Beth
Posted on: Sat, 27 Sep 2014 16:00:41 +0000

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