Hes appointed political adjutants much like the comissars in - TopicsExpress


Hes appointed political adjutants much like the comissars in Russia during the cold war, to rvery flag officer, and command staff who rrport to him and stand ready to assume command and control at a momrnts notice in the event of any sct of insuborfination disloyalty AND specifically to prevent a military coup. There may have already been one attempted military coup that failed. Obama knows that his primary rival for the total control of government functions resides eith the military. He knows that its the militarys charge and responsibility to take him out and assume control when the civillian government threayens the constitution or threatens the national security of the nation. Its so fundamental a responsibility that its in the oath that every member of the armed forces takes upon entry. Hes stacked the military deck with hand picked leaders, much as hes fone to virtually every federal law enforcement agency. Count all the new department and agency heads hes installed. DOJ, NSA, CIA, FBI, DHS, Secret Service, Capitol Police, you name it. Each one hand picked loyal and owing to him. Are thry likely to mount a revolt or enforce any order of removal or impeachment? Its his insurance policy. Hes used his time in office well. If he ever had questions about the allegiance or political orirntation of any of these people he replaced them. And the Senatebrules that JUST NOW CHSNGED, everyone thought he wanted this chsnge to move his appointees thru the Senate confirmation process. But more importantly, he can stymie any sdministrative impeachment by using his simple majority vote in the Senate. And now all of a sudden everyones starting to bring up the idea of dismissing Presidrntial term limits to permit him to be presidrnt indefinately...councidence? No. This is chess, not checkers. Nhes got to lay yhe groundwork for these plliyical power plays in advance. I highly doubt he has ANY intention of even csmpaigning for another election. He could care less sbout rules, laws, tradition, or the Constitution. His agenda and his ambition are to fundamentally change Amerika and believe me when I saw he wont stop until we are in total collapse and chaos and are taken over by whomever has been pulling the strings. You see, the interesting thing is, if you are able to totally preclude the peaceful transition of power or revolution through the processes that do exist, than you make violence a necessity. Have you noticed that Barack Obsma has recently made fewer and fewer public appearances and is no longer permitting the media to take his picture - the White House press corps are banned from filming or taking photos - the White House says their photographers will provide photos to the media. Why? First, they can keep the venue under tight control. They eliminate all media that isnt clearance controlled, and no one can point anything at the Presiddnt - cameras or guns. Open air or public venues rely too much on the assistance of other law enforcement agencies. I remember when I worked Presidential protection details, they regarded ordinary cops as just another man with a gun and NOT TO BE TRUSTED. Secondly, its likely that Obama now uses dopplegangers, or doubles, surgically altered to look exactly like him, at any venue or event he cannot be protected. Its important to note that never in the history of our country have oyr Presiddnts ever used doubles - even though its a common tactic in many other countries. They considered it during WWII but it was dismissed. But weve never fsced a foe in the president like Obama before. By controlling photography and video they can cover for any slight descrepancies. Thirdly, the stoppage of White House tours and such aling with the mystery construction there and the duration of the suspension of tours unit just recently involved specific modifications and fortifications that he deemed necessary in the event of revolution or revolt. Thirdly, the issue of ramping up the preparedness of all principal agencies responsible for his protection - by repeatedly launching attacks in and around the Capitol and east coast to justify just about anything. Consider the Navy Yard incident. Remember the Spec Ops Team made up of Secret Service and Capitol Police that was sent to interdict the shooter, but was calledoff and called back to hold at the White House? Why? They could have saved lives right? That csme out the same day. But some think thatthe purpose of the Navy yard incidrnt was to draw them away so that Obama could be taken into custody in a coup and removed ftom office. And it was foiled at the lasy moment. How many Generals and Admirals lost their jobs in the following days? Obamas hasnt gained weight, he wears a high tech body armor everwhere. He appears behind glass at many appearances, and his podiums have been enlarged snd fortified so he can duck inside. Hes a man under seige. He may smile and act glib about it all, but he knows where he stands with America, and hes defiant, and he has no intentuon of letting things reach critical mass like it did for Richard Nixon. For he knows if he does, all civil pretext will have to be shed and he will have to declare martial law and seize power as dictator and dismiss or disband Congress - arresting many of them. Of course if that occurs we will see the real face and character of Barack Obama. Hes already talking about bypassing congress to accomplish things he says he needs to accomplish. Hes garrisoning foreign troops and UN troops on American soil. Hes initiated a training protocol bringing the National guard under exclusive federal control, and theyre bring trained in urban warfare and passification and detention. Hes already set the DOJ on nullifying the Posse Comutatus Act to enable the use of our Armed Forces directly against American citizens on US soil. You ask wheres this all heading? You know. If you can accept what hes done so far, its just preparation for whats coming. You wont have to wait a long time.
Posted on: Sun, 01 Dec 2013 09:03:49 +0000

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