Hey Friends ~ Have you been playing that game on Facebook where - TopicsExpress


Hey Friends ~ Have you been playing that game on Facebook where you list random facts about yourself? Ive been loving reading everyones on my personal page so I thought Id share mine here, too! Id love for you to share yours so I can get to know you better! Comment below so I can see it :) Here are 10 random facts about me: 1. I have flown a plane. Mike (my husband) & I took some flying lessons and then took to the skies! I used to be really afraid of flying and didnt want to do it, but the instructor tricked me into it. Im glad he did. Life is all about facing your fears and realizing they arent so bad. Im no longer afraid of flying. 2. Mike & I were water birth models for Sanford Health. If youre in Sioux Falls, SD (or another area with Sanford Hospital that has water birth) you just might see us up on a big billboard (or in a brochure and on their website). 3. My sophomore year of college, a bunch of friends and I went to Jamaica. There was a dance contest. I entered & I won. 4. On any given day you could find me jamming out to Lady Gaga, Katy Perry, and Justin Timberlake only to find me later chanting mantras with Snatam Kaur and Krishna Das. 5. Im a health nut who sometimes eats big macs and French fries. 6. When I was a little girl Id go out in the woods and sing as beautifully as I could while holding my finger out like a little branch. I always hoped a little bird would land on it and wed sing together the way Snow White and Cinderella seem to do with the birds & animals they encounter. It never happened. 7. Ive seen ghosts, talked to ghosts and have helped them go home to Heaven. 8. I have recently decided to pursue Yoga Teacher Training. Im a little nervous because Im not that flexible or strong right now, but Ill get there, right? 9. One thing I really wish I could change about myself is that I would quit biting my nails. I know I can change this, but Ive tried so many times only to fall short and start biting again. I dont bite my nails just a little bit, I bite them a lot...they look like the nails that Sloth from the Goonies might have. Im going to keep trying though. One of these times Im bound to quit for good! 10. Mike and I were on a date the other night and he asked me, If you could have lunch with any celebrity tomorrow who would you choose? I replied w/o hesitation: Ellen DeGeneres. He was surprised by my fast reply and wondered if I sit at home thinking of answers to these types of questions (yes, I do). I love Ellen and watch about 90% of her shows thanks to DVR. I also request tickets to her show every couple of weeks. One of these days I am going to get a call from her ticket office so I can cross that off my bucket list. Now tell me some random facts about yourself ~ :)
Posted on: Sat, 16 Nov 2013 01:05:45 +0000

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