Hey Friends and family and Confederation Kennels Clients who are - TopicsExpress


Hey Friends and family and Confederation Kennels Clients who are our friends and family. Some of you have heard we are making some changes in our lives. First off I want to say Confederation Kennels is staying open. We have been tossing around different options. First we looked into selling our farm along with Confederation kennels. That didnt work so we pulled our farm off the market. We have built up a business here on our farm that I didnt want to see shut down. Since my brain injury over a year ago I have not been able to run the kennel the way I used too. My head cant handle when dogs jump up to say hi to me. It sends my head spinning and i feel like Im going to fall over. Sound is also a sensitive spot for me. As you can imagine 20 dogs excited to see me…hurts my head… :) I have loved what Confederation Kennels has grown into. I value the relationships that I have grown with all of you and your loving pets. Our next option was to hire everything out. We believe that a business suffers from not being run by the owners. No one will ever put into a business what an owner will. So we have decided to move off the farm. We are at complete peace and excited for the changes to Confederation kennels. We have 100 percent faith in the new owners of confederation kennels. The business is still ours but it is completely being taken over by my Brother John and his caring wife Sarina. They have two daughters still under their roof similar ages to our kids. So confederation kennels will continue to have kids out there playing with your animals. Maddy is their older daughter (a year younger then Chariese) who is an outside country girl at heart with a love for animals. Jada their younger daughter (same age as Ty) whos eyes lite up when one of the kennel dogs was bouncing around wanting to play with her. They have a bunch of older kids too who arent at home. Sarina has been running home daycare so has lots of experieance with day care will be changing over to the pet world. The kennel will be run the same way you are accustomed too. She will begin learning the ropes this spring and they will be taking over the ropes and moving in starting July 1st. These caring people are my family and we have no worries leaving everything in their capable hands. Please feel free to contact me with any questions you may have. I am thrilled that this business will continue to grow and dogs will continue to receive love and a safe place to stay and play. Where families can leave their pets and not worry about a thing. If you are happy with how it has been going its just about to get better! As for our family we are excited about our new endeavours. Chuck gets to keep his 1st farm. We have no idea where we are going to live yet. We know we are moving off our farm by July 1st. We just might become trailer trash in warwick for awhile. We are hoping to settle in the Kingsville area. We like the small town feel while still being close enough to Windsor. Our kids would be attending Maratha Christian School in Windsor. They have k-12 so our kids will all be in the same school. We spent a day at the school with the kids and they liked it so that helps with the transition. We will be working in windsor doing side jobs fixing peoples homes. While also continuing flipping homes. While sarnia has served us well we are unable to get as many properties as we would like in a given year at margins we would like to see. We have found more selection and higher margins in windsor. Flipping is a gamble we realize this we are ready for the challenge. We truly love what we do working together. Running a kennel business while flipping homes and trying to be good parents for our kids has been a juggling act that Its just too much. We want to try to slow down and come home at the end of the day and just enjoy our family more. We have loved the area we are from and we just feel a push in a different direction. We are keeping our trailer in Warwick so we will be back in the area lots. Im going to need to see my Momma lots still too. We are not disappearing. At the end of the day we need to live with the choices that we make and we believe we are doing what is best for our family and the time we have together. These decisions are not taken lightly and have been thought about for along time. We love you all! xoxo
Posted on: Mon, 07 Apr 2014 01:37:11 +0000

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