Hey Im Jr as most of Yuu will know this but ppl who dont thats my - TopicsExpress


Hey Im Jr as most of Yuu will know this but ppl who dont thats my name and this is my story may 14 th 2011 I had a beautiful little gurl named nevaeh I knew when I first seen her she was my angel sent to me from above I knew then and there that I was never going to leave her side I knew I was destoin to be a father the a beautiful young lady and as time went by I watched my daughter grow and all the amazing things that comes with having a child it was the greatest moment of my life a d one day it all come crashing down one day when I decide I couldnt be with her mother anymore I left nevaehs mothers side but never did I leave nevaehs side and I never thought my angel would have been taken from me for so long the last 8 months of my life have be hell not knowing how my daughter was doing I started getting bad dreams I was always stressed out it was a really hard time in my life but anyways 4 months went by not knowing how she was or even seeing her around I was getting weak and couldnt find my self again I felt empty but I knew I had to stay strong because thats what nevaeh would have wanted me to do and I managed to gather my self and my thoughts and put my foot down and decided enough was enough she is my daughter to and no body deserves to go through this pain not me not her not anyone so I decided to go to a lawyer andgot things going well another four months past after all that and one day iI got a call and it was my lawyer she told me iI was going to get to see nevaeh again iI could not bbelieve it I never thought it was going to happen but I was never going to give up I wanted to be a father and I know I am a good father so I got ready to go see my daughter a few days later and Ill never forget the look on her face when I walked through that door and she seen me for the first time in 8 long painful months and said to me daddy she ran up to me and gave me a hug and a kiss then told me I love Yuu daddy and I missed Yuu I knew rite there she didnt ever forget me more did I forget her she was so happy to see me again we played toys and and painted are faces and we had a blast and the last 8 visits with her were amazing we have had so much fun together I missed her beautiful smile and her warming hugs this is to all the mothers out there if Yuu have a child with a man and they want to be part of that kid or kids life dont take it away from them I wish no pain like this upon anyone I cryed everyday not knowing how she was doing I have never felt like this till my angel was taken from me for so long it killed me in side but I stayed strong and fought hard for that little gurl I love Yuu nevaeh dont ever forget that and for the men who want nothing g to do with there kids I dont know how Yuu can do that to ur self and ur childern I know I couldnt and ur missing out on so much amazing stuff to come anyways I needed to share my story of the last 8 months and how hard it was for me not to be allowed to see my child I would never do that to another person but Im happy now my heart has been filled back in and the darkness has left and the light come back in I want to say thank Yuu to my lord above for helping me when I needed it and answering my prayers and a big thank Yuu to mirisha my lawyer and thank Yuu to everyone else who has helped me to over come all of this and stay strong to keep fighting to see my perfect angel
Posted on: Tue, 12 Nov 2013 17:03:15 +0000

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