Hey Super-Soulers! Following up from yesterdays post, have you - TopicsExpress


Hey Super-Soulers! Following up from yesterdays post, have you started asking the applicable questions to what your God-given talents are & whats your sole purpose here on earth??? If so great! If not, whats blocking your results? Could it possibly be...F-E-A-R?!? According to Mastin Kipp, fear isn’t the opposite of Love, it’s a biological response to uncertainty. People tend to believe that we are designed to survive/remain in our comfort zone because its what we know & are comfortable with. Youre thinking, its practically guaranteed. But really, it’s NOT!!! Prime example, logic tells us that if we work everyday we are guaranteed a paycheck. Therefore, we dont have to worry about how our bills are going to get paid because that check will come like clockwork! On the other hand, many cant fathom the thought of believing in GOD, themselves, & their special talents that will provide everything they need if only they upheld their FAITH ;) Honestly, the riskiest path is NOT taking any risks!!! We must learn to see fear as a friend. The only exception to this rule is if we are in a dangerous situation, of course! Otherwise, fear can be used as our compass showing us where to go. I strongly encourage you to start running towards your fear & see where it leads you. Sometimes the road less traveled is the best & most smooth route to take. Dont go against the grain ;) For those that keep going pushing beyond the fear into the unknown, learn to use their fear as fuel until they thrive! I believe GOD utilizes fear, in a sense, to test us. He wants to see if we are going to fly or fail? Are we going to keep moving along our path OR will we retreat?!? Growing up, we were always taught that fear is wrong, bad etc. Now looking at it in a totally different light, F-E-A-R is actually what propels us into becoming who GOD has destined us to be. Just keep moving forward (dont look back) no matter what & believe. Live a life of no fears or regrets...DARE GREATLY! Namaste xoxoxox
Posted on: Thu, 14 Nov 2013 03:08:43 +0000

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