Hey family, friends and others...I am deeply saddened to report - TopicsExpress


Hey family, friends and others...I am deeply saddened to report that the efforts I and others were making to save Peter Kassig from being beheaded by ISIS failed because all the nations on our planet failed to come together and utilize everything possible, (and there is a huge amount of knowledge, capabilities, equipment, etc., available) to save him... We all know and some have experienced the usually adverse affects of research and experiments, conducted by various named and secret agencies/departments/organizations, on people-places and things during our history on this planet. Regardless the ethical nature of the results of all that research and experiments, why isnt it being used to rescue the hostages of ISIS and eliminate the ISIS terrorist threats????...I know for a fact that a unified effort, using non-lethal biological, electronic and chemical items can neutralize global conflicts and terrorism without shedding one drop of blood.... Think about it people, the next time our military and government leaders suggest bombs, bullets, boots on the ground, wmds....remind them that you know there is a better and more successful way to resolve dangerous and threatening situations on our planet...tried and tested, God approved methods that will prove that we human beings are indeed evolving into a peaceful, civilized and unified race that is safe, sane and faithful to the laws of God! Peter was a good person, his heart was into helping those less fortunate then ourselves....he was in the right place at the wrong time when he was kidnapped by ISIS and held underground in a prison near the Syrian city of Raqqa. After serving as a US Ranger and being discharged for medical reasons, Peter was determined to continue helping the Syrian refugees, (civilians), being threatened, tortured, injured and killed by the Syrian President, Bashar al-Assad and his forces. Peter set up an aid group, Special Emergency Response and Assistance, (SERA) and returning to Syria, they distributed essential supplies such as blankets, stoves, fuel, etc. to the men, women and children displaced in Syria...the UN and other agencies could not safely operate in Syria so small private organizations like SERA tried to help as they could. In an interview with Time magazine before his death, Peter said he was very touched by the warmth of the people he helped while delivering aid....I did not meet a single man, woman or child who could not muster a smile and a message of strength and hope that was nothing short of earth-shatteringly humble. In a separate interview about SERA Peter said; Its about showing people that we care, that someone is looking out for those that who might be overlooked or who have slipped through the cracks in the system for whatever reason. Ironically, in that Time interview Peter said; We each get one life and thats it...we got one shot at this and we dont get any do-overs, and for me, it was time to put up or shut up...he further said; The way I see it, I didnt have a choice. This is what I was put here to do. I guess I am just a hopeless romantic, and I am an idealist, and I believe in hopeless causes....... RIP Peter Kassig, see you in heaven good man.....my deepest condolences to your family, friends and other loved ones that grieve your passing... Dont worry...I will ensure his cause and life was not in vain........Daniel Doak Walker....(I do not apologize for the graphic nature of the picture I posted of his death)....human must see what humans are doing to fellow human...together we can ensure this does not happen again....together we can.....much peace and love to everybody......
Posted on: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 01:28:01 +0000

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