Hey folks! It has come to my attention that the fact that I will - TopicsExpress


Hey folks! It has come to my attention that the fact that I will have Blacksheep Hooks for sale at the Dallas SusCon got leaked. I just got off the phone with Brent from Blacksheep for like the millionth time, so lemme clear things up a bit: Yes, I was supposed to have Blacksheep hooks for sale in Dallas, but unfortunately, due to a small snag in production, the delivery time in which I will receive them got pushed back. So, no, I will no longer be selling them in Dallas. I will, however, be getting them about 2 weeks later & they will be for sale immediately after they are in my possession. Since I wont have them in Dallas, I will just be taking preorders there instead. Im assuming these things will fly off the shelves, so I highly suggest you find me in Dallas or contact me immediately after & preorder them. Dont worry though, if/when I run out, that just means we will start the production of more! And I will certainly be selling them in full force at MECCA this year!! As some of you may already know, Blacksheep was on the verge of going out of business. I have been in discussion with Brent for about a year now on how to stop that from happening. We finally reached a conclusion, which involved me paying (up front) for entire batches of hooks. This is the only way he can continue to produce this amazing product we all know & love. What this basically means is: When a batch of Blacksheeps goes into production, I send Brent a set dollar amount & purchase the hooks from him outright, before the machining is even finished, at a very slight wholesaler discount. I am becoming the sole American distributor for Blacksheep & Håvve Fjell will be the European distributor. Now comes the part where we discuss cost: The manufacturing cost for Blacksheeps has risen in the past couple years. This is one of a few reasons why Brent stopped making them. At the cost he was previously selling them for ($25/hook) he wasnt pulling enough profit to keep the production steady. He was also very adamant that he did not want to have to raise the price of the hooks to you guys, the suspension community. Hence why I am investing so much up front. By doing this, in reality, we are basically just splitting the production cost between the 2 of us. When we just spoke a few minutes ago, I decided to bring up what we are going to charge for the hooks one last time, but I took a different approach this time. I suggested that we raise the price of the hooks to $30 (which he has been against from the beginning) but instead of that $5 increase just becoming profit, that we should donate it to the ISA instead. Needless to say, he was all for that! As previously stated, the cost of each hook will be $30, with $5 for each hook being donated to the International Suspension Alliance. So in a roundabout way, you will still be only paying $25/hook & also helping a great cause by automatically donating $5 from each hook purchased! We really need to keep this style of hook in our arsenals & I am very pleased to aiding in the prevention of Blacksheep Hooks from going under! Feel free to contact me personally with any questions, comments, or concerns you have! Happy hooking, my friends! I look forward to seeing so many of you in Dallas!
Posted on: Tue, 08 Apr 2014 22:10:12 +0000

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