Hey guys, I want to share some thoughts with you about Socialism. - TopicsExpress


Hey guys, I want to share some thoughts with you about Socialism. First of all, its a well established fact that Obama is a Socialist. His family fought against colonialism in Kenya. Obama said that a card carrying member of the Communist Party of the U.S.A. was his father figure, Frank Marshall Davis, whom he mentioned by first name, no less than 22 times in his book, Dreams From My Father. See link below for more information on Davis: theblaze/books/the-communist-frank-marshall-davis-the-untold-story-of-barack-obamas-mentor/ He sought out Marxist professors in college. His first political party was The New Party, which was an offshoot of the Democratic Socialists of America. thegatewaypundit/2012/05/busted-obama-headlined-a-democrat-socialist-of-america-event-in-1996-flier/ Obama attended a church in Chicago for over 20 years called Trinity United Church of Christ, where he and Michelle were married, and his children were baptized, yet he never heard his mentor, and spiritual adviser, The Reverend Jeremiah Wright, preach a racist sermon. Trinity Churchs doctrine is Black Liberation Theology that began in the 1960s, and is deeply rooted in Marxist/Racist ideology. It is an extension of The Black Panther Party movement of that era. See the in-depth article about BLT in the following link: marketfaith.org/non-christian-worldviews/the-gospel-according-barack-obamas-pastor-black-liberation-theology/ So far, it has been firmly established that Obama is a Marxist/Communist/Socialist. He is a product of his environment. You cant lie down with dogs and NOT have fleas. You know the old adage You are what you eat? The same thing applies to your mind. Whatever you pour into your brain is what you WANT to pour into it; and it shapes all of your values. Obama is not stupid. He knows that if he spoke outwardly of his political ideology, and truly admitted his values, it would be political suicide. So he adopts the psychological strategy of guilt projection. He claims that HES an American Patriot, while accusing the other side of being Anti-American. Remember when he accused Bush of being Un-American, and Un-Patriotic for leaving such a large debt? Remember when he accused Romney of not being Patriotic because he outsourced jobs overseas; yet he outsourced the Obamacare website to a Canadian Company? And he claims to be for the underdog, the working man, a champion of the middle class. He appealed to everyone except the evil rich who were stingy and greedy and didnt want to help anyone. Except thats ALL he caters to: rich elitists, and Hollywood A-Listers. He has been everything BUT a healer of the oppressed, or the middle class; all evidenced by the growing number of people on food stamps, and the oppressive regulations that are stifling small businesses, which are the staple of the middle class. He spoke so eloquently about following the a rule of law and being the most transparent president in history. But he tramples on the Constitution daily with his phone and his pen. And as for transparency? We all know what he was doing the night our Consulate in Benghazi was attacked, right? But he couldnt have accomplished any of this without his personal hit man: the media. The media has been the Sammy The Bull Gravano to Obamas John Gotti.....and hes just as Teflon...if not more. Everything that he has done or attempted to do while in office is Marxist/Socialist in nature. Did he start it? No. Is he the first? No. It has come from both sides of the aisle. Obama has just been the most unabashed about his agenda; which has been overtly Socialistic by making statements like he would like to see more big businesses nationalized. Buying GM with your tax money and relieving their Board of Directors and appointing his own. Doubling down on Bushs stimulus spending. Relieving many upper level generals and flags from our military. Taking every opportunity to push gun control. Saying he wanted a domestic security force that is as large and as equally funded as the military (his words, not mine). Saying he was for single payer, state run healthcare in the past. Then his crown jewel legislation that he bought with political favors with OUR tax money, which, to our horror, made socialized medicine a reality. Its not going anywhere. It will be with us forever. Even Republicans only speak of delay, and repeal and replace. If the government does replace it, then they will be replacing it with something that they will be administering. Just wait. You can bet your bottom dollar on that. They see too much money to be made. But more over, this is their key to control over us. So here we are. Clearly on the fast track to Socialism. No people EVER broke the shackles of Socialism without a total collapse of the flawed system. But that took MANY years. So there will be much pain incurred. The Soviet Union couldnt keep up with Reagans defense build up and the threat of his Star Wars initiative. Reagan essentially used our free market capitalism to spend the USSR into oblivion. Due to their nature, they tried to keep up and couldnt, so they went broke. All the while, their people suffered. They have only begun to come out of their Dark Ages of Czarist rule and nearly a century of Marxist/Socialist oppression. And what is bringing them back? Capitalism. And here we are, vilifying Capitalism, and embracing Socialism. We are countries passing in the night. Why cant half of our country realize this? Margaret Thatcher summed it up best when she said, The problem with Socialism, is that you eventually run out of other peoples money. And this is exactly what Obama is advocating. For a government to take care of everyone, it has to take the money from its populace. Right now, the first class of citizens being effected is the middle class, those very ones hes so concerned about. The rich elitists will be the last class he attacks. He needs their influence in the media and advertising. He needs them to fund his politics. He needs them to control his economy. Their numbers will diminish, however, as The State will need their capital to keep the dysfunctional machine running. Just a very few of the ruling class members will become uber-rich. This is the direction in which we are heading. As the oppression grows. As it becomes increasingly harder for the state run media (because thats what it really is) to cover for him because of the widespread pain inflicted; it will become evident of his intentions to those who have unwittingly supported him all along: YOU LIBERALS. There will be unrest. My fellow Patriots reading this will be on the front lines first. Maybe sooner than we could ever realize. Especially depending on these next two elections in 2014 and 2016. We will be a thorn in his side. But the real unrest wont begin until the Kool-Aid hangovers wear off. But by then, there will be so many more of our freedoms eroded. There will be a visible police-state presence everywhere. The 4th Amendment, as violated as it is now, will be a distant memory. The 1st Amendment will be greatly restricted. He already openly criticizes opposing voices. Do you ever remember a president being so focused on people opposing him? Ive seen 9 presidents, and I havent. They either laughed at them, or paid them little to no attention. This president has to butt his nose into every social justice issue that pops up so that he can get the people bickering among each other, so our focus wont be on what hes doing. Travel will be restricted. Barriers will be erected. Fences built. Walls put up. And then we will be that full fledged socialized country with the oppression that we fought against for over a half century all over the world....except here: We are welcoming it with open arms. Remember my friends, no Marxist/Socialist/Communist nation ever built a wall to keep people out. ~ Buck Click on following link for more information about the Progressive mind and method here in America freebeacon/the-podesta-era/
Posted on: Fri, 14 Mar 2014 11:28:14 +0000

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