Hey guys, here is a complete list of all the upgraded existing and - TopicsExpress


Hey guys, here is a complete list of all the upgraded existing and newly implemented admin-level commands that you can use on our servers: The following commands can be executed only by registered valid admins: Every command is prepended with an exclamation mark ( ! ) and can take one or more arguments [ example: !tp , !tp 5, !lib, !lib -ia ] Some commands dont require any additional arguments to be specified. These are for example: !tp, !wp, !lib, !lgb, !llnb, !lgnb They can be used without no additional arguments. kick = k or kick [PID|PART_OF_NICK] OPTIONAL_REASON Kicks player on current server tempban = tb or tempban [PID|PART_OF_NICK] OPTIONAL_REASON Temporarily bans player on current server ban = b or ban [PID|PART_OF_NICK|VALID_GUID_KEY] OPTIONAL_REASON Bans player by GUID key or bans specified VALID_GUID_KEY gban = gb or gban [PID|PART_OF_NICK|VALID_IP_ADDRESS] OPTIONAL_REASON Globally bans player by IP address or globally bans specified VALID_IP_ADDRESS nameban = nb or nameban [PID|PART_OF_NICK|VALID_PLAYER_NAME] OPTIONAL_REASON Locally bans player by their player name on current server globalnameban = gnb or globalnameban [PID|PART_OF_NICK|VALID_PLAYER_NAME] OPTIONAL_REASON Globally bans player by their player name on all servers banrange = banrange or br [PID_SLOT_NUMBER_OR_PARTIAL_NAME_OR_VALID_IP_ADDRESS_RANGE] OPTIONAL_REASON Locally bans selected players IP address range [xxx.xxx.xxx.*] or locally bans specified VALID_IP_ADDRESS_RANGE [xxx.xxx.xxx.* or xxx.xxx.*.*] on current server gbanrange = gbanrange or gbr [PID_SLOT_NUMBER_OR_PARTIAL_NAME_OR_VALID_IP_ADDRESS_RANGE] OPTIONAL_REASON Globally bans selected players IP address range [xxx.xxx.xxx.*] or globally bans specified VALID_IP_ADDRESS_RANGE [xxx.xxx.xxx.* or xxx.xxx.*.*] on all servers unban = ub or unban [VALID_PLAYER_NAME|VALID_GUID_KEY] OPTIONAL_REASON Unbans previously GUID-banned player by specified VALID_PLAYER_NAME or VALID_GUID_KEY locally on current server unbanrange = unbanrange or ubr [VALID_IP_ADDRESS_RANGE] OPTIONAL_REASON Deletes previously locally banned VALID_IP_ADDRESS_RANGE on current server unbangbanrange = unbangbanrange or ugbr [VALID_IP_ADDRESS_RANGE] OPTIONAL_REASON Deletes previously globally banned VALID_IP_ADDRESS_RANGE on all servers gunban = gub or gunban [VALID_IP_ADDRESS] OPTIONAL_REASON Unbans specified globally banned VALID_IP_ADDRESS nameunban = unb or nameunban [VALID_FULL_PLAYER_NAME] OPTIONAL_REASON Unbans specified VALID_FULL_PLAYER_NAME locally on current server globalnameunban = ugnb or globalnameunban [VALID_FULL_PLAYER_NAME] OPTIONAL_REASON Unbans specified VALID_FULL_PLAYER_NAME globally on all game servers ipb = ipb [VALID_PLAYER_NAME|VALID_IP_ADDRESS|VALID_GUID_KEY|VALID_IP_ADDRESS_RANGE] OPTIONAL_REASON Checks whether specified VALID_PLAYER_NAME, VALID_IP_ADDRESS, VALID_GUID_KEY or VALID_IP_ADDRESS_RANGE have already been banned on current server [ !ipb full_player_name , !ipb valid_guid_key or !ipb xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx ] lgb = lgb [-ta|-ga|-na|-td|-gd|-nd|-def] ^2Lists out all banned GUID key -> player name pairs sorted by TIME, GUID or PLAYER_NAME category in ascending or descending order on current server [ example: !lgb -ta ] lib = lib [-ta|-ia|-td|-id|-def] ^2Lists out all globally banned IP addresses sorted by TIME or IP address category in ascending or descending order [ example !lib -ia ] listlocalnamebans = llnb or listlocalnamebans [-ta|-na|-td|-nd|-def] Lists out all locally banned player names sorted by TIME or PLAYER_NAME category in ascending or descending order on current server [ example: !llnb -na ] lgnb = lgnb [-ta|-na|-td|-nd|-def] ^2Lists out all globally banned player names sorted by TIME or PLAYER_NAME category in ascending or descending order on all game servers [ example: !lgnb -na ] getstatsbyplayername = getstatsbyplayername or gsbpn PLAYER_NAME Returns stats of players whose player names are equal to or contain specified PLAYER_NAME getstatsbyrank = getstatsbyrank or gsbpr PLAYER_RANK Returns stats of player whose current rank is equal to specified PLAYER_RANK For most aforementioned manuadmin bot commands heres a few guidelines on how you should use them correctly: 1. [PARTIAL_PLAYER_NAME_or_VALID_FULL_PLAYER_NAME] should be at least 4 characters long ( if the players name is shorter than that then you have to specify their full player name without color codes). Lower and upper case characters are treated the same way in the context of searching for valid online players and you shouldnt specify color codes in players name, because they automatically get stripped away before the bot actually starts the search process. examples: !k [free] bug , !b [almo] wh , !gb [hacker soldier name] aimbot 2. if the specified name doesnt include spaces then you can omit the enclosing [] characters. For example: !gb free aimbot 3. !br or !gbr [xxx.xxx.xxx.*] aimbot should work the same way as !br or !gbr xxx.xxx.xxx.* aimbot 4. !br, !gbr commands can also be used on specified partial_player_name and pid arguments too if the targeted player is online. For example: !br or !gbr free aimbot !br or !gbr 5 aimbot silentmodeon = silentmodeon or smon [all] Hides your admin status on current or all Verindra servers if [all] is specified. silentmodeoff = silentmodeoff or smoff [all] Changes the visibility level of your current MaM admin status back to the regular admin level on current or all Verindra servers if [all] is specified. examples: !smon , !smon [all] , !smoff , !smoff [all]
Posted on: Sun, 03 Aug 2014 19:00:40 +0000

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