Hey guys... so when the 3 boys sadly died, we may not have seen - TopicsExpress


Hey guys... so when the 3 boys sadly died, we may not have seen then but Hashem always has a plan and although we are not always able to understand why bad things happen, we are lucky enough to see this now... I am sending u a long thing written by this man in israel and its really amazing so wanted to pass it on... its worth the long read Good shabbos all The Three Boys Who saved Israel The three kidnapped and murdered boys, Nafatali Fraenkel, Gilad Shaar and Eyal Yifrach, have saved Israel from a massacre and nightmare scenario on the scale of the opening days of the Yom Kippur War, 1973. I first heard this story from a few different sources three days ago, but the Israeli military has only now confirmed it, and so I feel comfortable telling it. Since Operation Protective Edge began, Israel has captured a large number Hamas fighters. Following, their interrogations, the discovery of over 30 attack tunnels leading into Israel, the discovery of many IDF uniforms inside them, together with detailed maps and plans of all the kibbutzim and villages near the Gaza border, Israeli military intelligence has pieced together Hamas’ ultimate plan. On the early hours of Rosh Hashana 2014, the Jewish New Year, Hamas planned to send a large fighting force, all dressed in IDF uniform, through the tunnels. Their mission was a simultaneous surprise attack to capture six of the small Jewish communities near the border, massacre the thousands of residents, kidnap a dozen and take them to Gaza, send in more fighters, and hold onto the land and fight to the death, with any IDF response forces. Simultaneously, to the attacks they intended to fire a huge barrage of rockets throughout southern Israel (according to unconfirmed, reports in coordination with Hezbollah firing from the north in Lebanon), making it difficult for the IDF to bring reinforcements, call in the reserves and counter-attack. This plan would have brought the State of Israel down to its knees. But it fell apart with the kidnapping of the three boys, Naftali, Gilad and Eyal. Hamas totally under-estimated Israel’s response and the lengths it would go to rescue them. Israel re-arrested all the prisoners they released in the Gilad Schallit deal, that weren’t in Gaza. It also rounded up all Hamas members it could find. At the same time, Hamas was going bankrupt. With a new regime in Egypt closing its borders with Gaza, the weekly flow of suitcases of cash from Qatar ceased. Hamas asked President Abas to join the Palestinian government in the hope that he would bail them out. He allowed them join the government, but he refused pay their salaries or the 40,000 Hamas fighters and administrators. With little political achievement from the kidnapping and murder of the 3 boys, together with the failure of the unity government to fund them, there was huge unrest in Gaza. Hamas began firing their rockets into Israel, once again under-estimating Israel’s response, which lead to Operation protective Edge. (At the same Hizbolla is caught up in the Syrian civil war, and aprt from the odd rocket, has not aided Hamas.)This has led to the complete failure of these plans. In essence, those three boys, Naftali Fraenkel, Gilad Shaar and Eyal Yifrach, have saved Israel, literally. NB As of time of writing, Israel believes that it has discovered only 30% of the tunnels. It takes around 60 hours to destroy each tunnel, and so Israel is still in a race against time, as the diplomatic clock ticks Like
Posted on: Sat, 26 Jul 2014 06:47:16 +0000

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