Hey there, Im an up and coming vegan author. and a main reason why - TopicsExpress


Hey there, Im an up and coming vegan author. and a main reason why I started writing was because I see how the world is so screwed up with this animal cruelty thing going on and these paleo diets getting praise, among many other things. Once going vegan, we realize this more clearly but even becoming vegan isnt a stopping point for learning. We can see our society has kept a lot of information under the rug just by noticing how normal it is to eat the flesh of animals in society. Ive personally spent a good portion of my life as a truth seeker. And whats in this book will help vegans and non-vegans alike. I see it converting many non-vegans as well. I have the individual as well as the collective in mind In the video in the thumbnail: I go in depth about whats inside this book that needs to be known. I describe how you will benefit from this book. Why the planet needs this book to be read by the masses, and why the animals need this book to be read by the masses. On the second link: I share is a contest you can enter to help me get this book out there to the masses of people. I will become a best seller on amazon but I need the help of this amazing vegan community. All participants will be shouted out over all my social media, which is over an audience of 5000+ people. All you have to do is purchase the book on amazon for $0.99 and leave a review on my amazon account by the 25th, when the price goes up. If you really cant afford the $0.99 then I can offer it to you for free. All that I ask is that you leave a review. More details are in my contest video. Just please send me a message if you completed the contest Please dont see this as spam. Im honestly trying to get a message that needs to be known out there. It will help people at an individual level, the planet, the animals and all of humanity. Read the sample on amazon if you want to check it out before you buy. Also, some reviews are already up, and if you dont trust me... ask yourself if spending $0.99 for book worth much more and leaving a quick review on amazon to get shouted out over an audience of over 5000+ is worth it. help a brother out! The world becomes a better place when we come together and unite as a community :) WHAT MY BOOK IS ABOUT: youtu.be/L3N2d4L4Nks CONTEST DETAILS: youtu.be/t-mSLGs3utU AMAZON DOWNLOAD LINK: amazon/Master-Your-Life-N-W-Passion-ebook/dp/B00P84HAH4/ref=sr_1_1?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1416375882&sr=1-1&keywords=how++to+master+your+life
Posted on: Wed, 19 Nov 2014 06:40:12 +0000

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