Hey there fellow Light Workers... I just had to repost this - TopicsExpress


Hey there fellow Light Workers... I just had to repost this awesome message from my good friend and Mentor Justin Verrengia... I just turned 30 years old this year. I can’t say I remember a better year in my entire life. At 29 years old I felt like a complete failure looking up to the skies asking, “WHY ME... Why must life be this Hard?” Today I just want to be an open book with you. If you are looking for a quick fix, sorry. If you are looking for one magic tool, sorry. If you are looking for me to tell you it was easy, well than sorry. However, if you want the Raw Truth in what it took for me to accomplish a 7 figure income, speaking on stages in front huge audiences, helping others live their dreams, and being interviewed by radio stations with hundreds of thousands of people listening. My passions are meditation, qi-gong (art of cultivating vital energy), yoga and seeking and teaching higher truth, but at the end of the day none of these passions paid my bills, however I will share with you how each of these passions have helped with my career a little later on. Well, I will tell you if you are open. I PROMISE YOU after reading my RAW truth that many of you will say to yourself, “I am not ready for that.” I don’t say that to scare you, but to be honest with you. If someone would of been honest with me early on in my journey versus telling me what I wanted to hear it would of cut out years of struggle, pain and tears in my life. I vowed long ago that once I became successful I would NEVER forget where I came from. What does that mean to me? Well for starters I love treating people the way I would like to be treated. I have never claimed to be the smartest guy in the world because I am far from it. I just always knew my heart could flow with the best of them. I was willing to outwork anyone. I was willing to work until I passed out from lack of sleep. I was willing to risk it ALL which I did several times throughout my career to follow my dreams and fell straight on my face. Today I want to share with you how to get the information you need to succeed no matter what field you are in because the truth is you can transform your business with the right information. It was 3 years ago exactly around this time. My wife was talking about about leaving me forever. I just broke one the biggest promises of my life to her. We were living in China at the time teaching English full time for $1,200 a month. I told my wife that we would be going home for the holidays to see family. Long story short my wife was dealing with the toughest racism she has ever faced. People literally spitting on her in the streets. In fact the sad truth was that several students and their parents did not want to even pay her equally compared to white teachers because she is black. There was nothing she wanted more than the comfort of her family during the holiday season. This was the only thing she was looking forward to at this point. The REASON WHY we couldn’t go home ..... Money. It was deeper than that though because I had saved up for several months. The reason why I moved to China, because a friend invited us and told us the cost of living is very low and we could save the money we earned. At the time I was at the early stages of my online entrepreneurial journey. There was a guy online promising the world if I just bought the tool he was offering. It was the cost of both tickets home. He promised that we would profit 3x our investment in a short period of time. So I invested the money without telling my wife and I ended up losing it all. My wife was telling her family and friends how she was coming home and so excited to see them. Then a couple days before we were scheduled to leave I had to sit my wife down and tell her, “Baby I am sorry but I lost all the money we saved for our tickets back home“. She started to cry like a baby and didnt talk to me until after the new year. She was just fed up with living poor, the failed business attempts, the cold weather in China, being away from family and the lack of time we were spending together. After my English teaching job I would come home to our apartment and work on my online business until I slept. I wanted to make it work more than anything. I didn’t have one those stories like I saw a commercial and 30 days later I was flying high and all my problems were solved. WHEN MY LIFE CHANGED and the SPECIFIC THINGS I DID. 1. Leverage aka EMPLOYEE MINDSET vs Entrepreneur Mindset Lets take Yoga for example... - Employee mindset - Would say, “Let me go work for someone with a yoga studio and teach yoga so I will get paid by the hour.” - Self Employed mindset - Would say, “Let me gather and teach a class of people so I can get paid more. Instead of one person paying me $50 an hour I can take 10 people in a class and charge $20 an hour.” - Business Owner mindset - Would say, “Okay, I love yoga and all and I would not mind teaching classes because it’s a passion of mine and I love helping people, however I want to get paid like a boss or at least what I feel I am worth.” So they will go ahead and not only have a Yoga Studio, but also say, “Let me create a course for $40 which people can buy and do it in their home . I can sell my course not only locally, but online to as many people as I desire.” “I can sell 30 courses a day though advertising on facebook, creating instructional videos on Youtube, etc.” In my town I only have 50,000 people and maybe only 500 are even interested in yoga. This limits how much I can physically make. If I sell my courses online worldwide to people in USA, Canada, Australia etc. well than I expanded my market reach tenfold. $40 x 30 courses is $1,200 a day in revenue. That will come in if I am sleeping or doing yoga. If I still desire to teach private or group yoga sessions locally that is gravy on top my online leveraged income. If I decide to travel to Bali for 1 month my online income will still be happening. If I am an employee and take off that month, my bank account dwindles because if I am not working I get NO income. Same with being self employed, If I am teaching physically, all the income stops right away. The business owner get the best of both worlds. This scenario I just painted for you was to just open up your mind. When I learned this concept, it was like “How could I ever be happy with an employee mindset?” I was even more happy being a business owner because I could help more people in the process and not just people locally. The business I am in is personal development, and I market courses that help people get better results in different areas of their lives. When I started I was doing my training face to face with the employee mindset with no leverage. 2. True Mentor Like I said I am not the smartest guy in the world. I am however, intelligent and hard working and I can’t hide that. I failed for years because I followed the wrong advice. I have never been the guy who wanted anything handed to me. I just wanted to learn the ropes from someone who knew what they were talking about. How did Tony Robbins become the man he became? He had mentors like Jim Rohn. Kobe Bryant had his father Joe Jellybean Bryant. For me once I got the right mentor who cared about me it was like everything in my life changed overnight. I struggled from 2007 till 2012 trying to get my online business off the ground. Within a year of meeting my mentor I turned my annual income into my monthly. I started speaking on stages in front of thousands. I started to take vacations I could only dream about. I actually just returned from an incredible 3 week trip from Thailand. A friend invited me out and I didn’t even have to think twice. Just a few hours after he asked me about it I already had all our flights booked for my wife and I because of the new freedom we got. The “right information” changed my life so much that I decided all I want to do is help others. I wanted to reach back to teach others what I learned. So when my good friend Tracy Coomer (AKA The Peaceful Warrior Jedi) fromTallahassee, Florida had asked for help I didn’t hesitate to teach her everything that I know. Long story short , she was hard working, and willing to apply everything I showed her. Her life transformed in ways people around her couldnt even believe. I don’t care if you want to become a consultant, doctor, Internet entrepreneur, chef, director, etc. find a mentor in that field and watch yourself soar to a new level you couldn’t even imagine. 3. Marketing If you have products, you have to know how to sell and market them . The keys to the kingdom are here. Marketing will be the lifeblood of your business. Without a fresh supply of customers you will eventually go out of business. There are many ways to market, but no matter what way you decide make sure you do it. You can do it through newspapers, magazine, tv, Internet, referral and the list goes on. I could go on for 10 more hours on just marketing. I have figured out how generate new customers online 24 hours a day. When you become great at marketing you will learn how to target potential customers who are already interested in the products or services that you offer. Make sure you ALWAYS put a huge focus on the marketing end of your business. If you have a doctors office you need a constant flow of patients. If you are selling insurance you need to know how to target people who would be looking for insurance. There are specific things you can do make sure you always have a fresh flow of customers. I have taught all types of people how to advertise. One lady who was a veterinarian learned my FB marketing techniques to create a full time business. 4. Products - Supply and Demand KEEP YOUR EYES and EARS OPEN. No matter how good your advertising is if the product or service is not in demand you are fighting an uphill battle. You have to make sure your presentation of what it is you are selling is up to par also. You can have an awesome product, but without the right presentation of your product or service people are not going to be interested. I know this is a lot to digest right now. I actually break down everything for you in my blueprint. I talk about it all in full detail as well as teach you how to avoid those almost laughable offers you see online. If you see someone saying you can make crazy income by just pushing a button or singing up RUN RUN RUN Far Away FAST. Anything worth having takes hard work, dedication and a learning curve. I will always shoot straight because I am on a mission not to have what happened to me at Christmas 3 years ago happen to you. I invite you visit my good friend and business partner Tracy’s site for more information: secretsofbliss/Tracy/ Love & Light, Justin “Hippie Jedi” Verrengia Hippie Jedi Freedom Artist P.S. My dreams and visions are so BIG, I literally wanna help as many people as humanly possible which is why I respond to all my FB messages. So if you are serious about your future and looking to connect with someone who may be able to help you the same way my mentor helped me, then don’t even think twice about it, shoot me a message. If it takes a lil bit of time for me to respond please be patient as I get lots of messages daily. Namaste Justin Verrengia (p.s.and if you happen to find her on FB give a shout out on FB message to my business partner Tracy Coomer... she is ready to pay it forward and show folks everything that I have taught her.)
Posted on: Sun, 02 Feb 2014 07:46:06 +0000

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