Hey worlds greatest entrepreneurs! You know, Ive been thinking - TopicsExpress


Hey worlds greatest entrepreneurs! You know, Ive been thinking about something today and I want to share this thought with you. (interested to hear your thoughts as well on this...) I think if we really step back and examine our life (business, health, you name it), a lot of times we may find ourselves going with the flow... Just kinda taking and dealing with things as they emerge and not really *deliberately* pushing ourselves to expand our comfort zone. ...and as result we end up on the 98%ers territory. (and thats a very dangerous territory to be on.) So this is one of those things I personally committed to working on and training myself: GETTING COMFORTABLE WITH BEING UNCOMFORTABLE. If youre reading, read for an extra 10-15 minutes longer. If youre working out, dont stop at the first thought of stopping.. push yourself for those extra few more seconds or 1-2 extra reps. If youre making calls, make an extra 5-10 calls before you quit for the day. If youre promoting any type of product or service, raise the bar a little higher in your niche. Guys if youre in a relationship, bring your wife/girlfriend some flowers or just tell them you love them. Somebody once said Theres no traffic on the extra mile. See, in doing this, before you know it you will be miles ahead of everybody else (so called typical people). Your comfort zone will be so big, others will find it amazing and think of you as someone different. Sometimes its not easy, but its soooo worth it! I think if we all rally around this idea as individuals, we can really do something significant in this world. Remember, YOURE AWESOME.
Posted on: Sun, 10 Aug 2014 03:06:06 +0000

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