Hi All, The Pluto / Uranus square is still the big astrological - TopicsExpress


Hi All, The Pluto / Uranus square is still the big astrological news in the world, relentlessly bringing change and transformation to all of us. I write about planetary influences and give Sun sign tips every month in “The Happenings”. Check out my column for September. For an in-depth reading about the way this square is affecting you on a personal level, what major changes or challenges may be headed your way and how to effectively work with them, contact me at 435-259-9417 Astrology Column for September Happenings We have not yet seen the end of the Uranus/Pluto transformation, nor have we seen the completion of the realignments and the shifts it will be causing. Pluto takes things to such an extreme that they carry the seeds of their own destruction and implode. Some may think we are moving toward the Apocalypse. That’s probably true. We live in an era dominated by lies, myths and misconceptions, doctored historical accounts, rampant corruption of authority and government, all of which has been hidden from humanity --- until recently. However, let’s look at the meaning of Apocalypse which comes from the Greek, apocalupsis. Its meaning is “a lifting of the veil, a revelation or disclosure, to take off the cover. Ummm, sounds like we have ourselves an apocalypse. 1. Corruption of political, financial and religious systems becoming more obvious to the masses…Yup. 2. An lifting of the veil on the limitless creative potential and power in the minds of people to create a new reality…Yup 3. People (ie. Black, white; Israeli, Palestinian) in the initial stages of coming together to affect real positive change through cooperative effort…Yup Perhaps we can visualize and work towards is a new coalition of the sane. Since just about everything on the planet is heating up, rational, sane, balanced people will have to get off the sidelines, work together for a better world and move away from crippling extremism. Uranus and Pluto along with other planets are creating a pressure cooker for all – a transformational pressure cooker. What we focus on, we give energy to. Now is the time to focus on integrating and reconciling the irreconcilable, both within ourselves and in the public areas where we may have influence. The new moon influencing September actually occurs on August 25th. In this new moon chart, there are no less than SIX inconjuncts (quincunx), and one YOD (finger of God) – Never mind the square of Venus to Mars conjunct Saturn. WOW!! “So what?” you say – too much astrological jargon. Basically this chart says humanity, as individuals and as a whole, has moved into a new stage of transformation -- one in which the immovable object meets irresistible force -- the impossible MUST become possible and the unity of Life must be experienced in all our dealings. The inconjunct aspect links two planets in signs that have no sympathy (or common ground) for one another and are therefore functioning under great strain. The pressure of this is relieved only by understanding and compromise. The alternatives are usually the negative and tragic results of poor health and death, as we are seeing with Ebola in Africa where ignorance, misinformation and extremism may have exactly those results. Along with six inconjuncts we have a conjunction of Mars and Saturn which in turn is squared by Venus. Reinhold Ebertin in “The Combination of Stellar Influences” says that this is “harmful and destructive energy, inhibited or destroyed vitality”. The conjunction of these two forces he wrote is “a tendency to be injured, a mostly destructive or pernicious form of energy”. Saturn is the stronger planet here puts a roadblock up that Mars cannot get past. Mars will get frustrated, angry even violent because no progress is being made. Often this can lead to clashes, between the irresistible force and the immovable object – thus inhibited energy, destroyed vitality. The sign that this conjunction occurs in is Scorpio: the sign of all or nothing, control, power, brutality, sharing, jealousy, manipulation, life and death. The battle of wills that is occurring is colored by Scorpionic values, so something will have to end before we can start a new cycle, something has to die before the new can be born. There is a finality about much that will happen. This conjunction, square to Venus, brings relationships and finances under scrutiny and may cause furious disagreements. Patience and calm is needed now but will not be easy to find. It will be hard for all of us, this is difficult energy to control, but opportunity always exists. Jupiter is at the point of the yod – the finger of God. It is in Leo which is the sign of great love and heart and alignment with the Sun. It also rules performances. A sort of “fake it until we make it” or “act as if until” may be appropriate now. There is light at the end of this tunnel (no matter which one you’re in). It has been noted that a majority of comedians have inconjuncts in their charts and that humor is the easiest and fastest way to alleviate the stress of the irreconcilable. Perhaps we should designate this month as National Comedy Month Aries – If you can be patient and plan well you can accomplish much. Jupiter and Venus are in an easy aspect to your Sun and cautioning that you goals need to be well planned out, but Uranus is pushing you to go faster. Put more effort into helping others first and you may be surprised at how much happens easily for you. Taurus – This is a month for Taurus to do what Taurus does best. Relax, be creative, and make yourself comfortable with life. The Mars Saturn aspect opposes your Sun and lowers your energy. Venus squares your Sun and may cause money worries. Let go of worry and lower your expectations for this month. This fall will be better. Gemini – The focus is on finances and work. There may be an older male co-worker who is a problem for you. Let your Gemini light-heartedness shine this month and raise spirits with your inner prankster. Maintain discipline in your finances and don’t spend what you don’t have. Cancer – Unexpected shifts in career may throw you off-balance a bit, but they will open doors of opportunity. Your creativity benefits from a dose of self discipline and can blossom into a new avenue of self expression. You are coming to greater understanding and appreciation of the deep inner changes you have been experiencing. Leo --- Dear Leo, you are feeling expansive and content on the one hand, hemmed in and confused on the other. You feel innovative and excited about life, but can’t seem to find your direction. As long as you keep moving in ANY direction the Universe can push you in the one that’s right for you. So, just keep moving. Jupiter will bring greater optimism and opportunity by October. Virgo --- Just when you think you have it all together, somebody turns out the lights and confusion reigns. It seems as if your foundations and what used to bring pleasure are slipping sideways. Your work seems difficult and fraught with misunderstanding. Believe it or not this is good and when these aspects pass you get to be a new you and capable of seeing the world of new possibilities with fresh eyes. Libra --- Take a deep breath, Libra and tighten you belt. The Mars / Saturn conjunction occurs in your second house of money. Unexpected expenditures may come out of nowhere. Fortunately Mars will be moving on in about a month. Saturn will remain in your second house for another 18 months. It will push you to make positive changes in the way you have handled money and you’ll come out stronger and more secure. Scorpio --- You may have a noticeable lack of energy this month or you may develop a greater self-discipline. Your imagination and creativity are running high. Keep them channeled in positive directions or they can lead to self-delusion and lack of focus. Sagittarius --- Flashes of self-understanding and recognition of long-standing patterns that have caused loss and sorrow in your life can come into the bright light of awareness now. Let go of these patterns and look at creating new ways of being and acknowledging your amazing talents. Capricorn --- You do remember, don’t you that Capricorn is the sign they say gets younger as they get older. This happens more often for Caps who find that they have a great sense of humor and begin to enjoy the incongruous and funny side of life. As we whirl into possibly one of the most outrageous and incongruous periods of time, make sure you tickle your funny bone often. Aquarius --- You seldom get overwhelmed, Aquarius, but you may be forgiven if you feel a touch or even a lot overwhelmed, now. You make a decision – then make plans to implement it –get side-tracked – regroup – can’t figure out why you decided what you did – change directions – start again -- finally stop whirling around – come to a full stop – start over. Your GPS will get an update in October. Stop flailing Pisces --- Believe it or not, Pisces September won’t be too hard on you. You get to watch others go through their dramas. You actually have planetary support this month and things are going quite smoothly for you. Money may have some ups and downs this month, but work may hold positive surprises
Posted on: Mon, 01 Sep 2014 19:10:21 +0000

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