Hi Everyone, Momma here with an update that I haven’t been - TopicsExpress


Hi Everyone, Momma here with an update that I haven’t been looking forward to making… While the last few days have given me a great amount of joy experiencing Paddy so happy to be on a couch, in a yard, and in a home like she deserves, they have also caused an intense amount of anxiety and fear as I observe her behavior towards other animals. Paddy is a precious, silly, eager-to-please and incredibly loving girl – but she has issues that need to be corrected before I can ensure the safety of all animals in the home. Her prey drive is high regarding smaller animals and we have seen her attempt to charge and get them. For the most part, she is okay with Charger (our larger dog) but I am by no means confident that she wouldn’t go after him given the chance. I met with our behaviorist at his home yesterday and expressed my concerns. He also communicated concerns to me about some behaviors he observed when he was at our home for her homecoming. It is crucial that Paddy receive behavior interventions as soon as possible so that they do not progress any further. So much so that she is actually starting a long-term rehabilitation program this evening where she will be living with the behaviorist and receiving around the clock care for as long as it takes to teach her the foundations, uncover the root of the behavior, and retrain her brain. She will be socialized appropriately when ready and receive opportunities to practice her teachings in a variety of situations. This was not an easy (nor a cheap) decision for me to make, but giving up on her has never been an option. If this is what it takes for her to flourish in a home for the rest of her days, then I will stop at nothing to ensure it is done. She is my heart and in order for her to have the happy life that I promised her, it is imperative she receives the training and foundations she needs. Without those, I would be setting her up for failure and I refuse to let that happen. Michael (her behaviorist) is very invested in Paddy’s case as we all are, and feels confident that these issues can be corrected. He agrees that this is the best possible thing for her at this time, and was gracious enough to accept Paddy as his only client right now. She will be at his hip from the time he wakes up until the time she goes to sleep in his room at night. I have asked all of the “mom” questions such as where she will be staying and sleeping etc. and feel comfortable with the answers - especially after spending hours in Michael’s home yesterday. In fact, I actually got to observe him in action yesterday. While I was there, Michael’s wife brought in 2 small dogs from various situations and they were introduced to his pack. One of the small dogs began growling and nipping out of fear and I have to say it was pretty incredible to see how knowledgeable Michael was with the whole situation and to witness the turnaround first-hand. By the time I left, it was like those dogs had been there all along. I feel very blessed to have this level of expertise to aid in Paddy’s situation. Please know that this is not easy for me. As I write this I am in tears for so many reasons. The emotions I feel are almost too many to pinpoint. Among others, I am upset, guilt-ridden, scared, fearful, sad and angry. I am upset because that beautiful picture of the perfect scenario I so badly hoped and prayed for just flat out didn’t happen. I am guilt-ridden as I have seen the looks of fear on the faces of all my original animals. I am scared that while I am at work she will get out of her crate (which she can) and I will walk into the unimaginable upon my return. I am fearful that a home without additional animals may be better for her than my own. I am sad because I FINALLY just got Paddy home and now she has to go away again. I am angry that Paddy’s past never provided her the chance/training/patience/opportunity to learn these things before now. I will never know what life was like for her before I met her. But I know that promise I made to her on June 18th still holds true. She WILL have a happy life filled with love. Because even though I am upset, guilt-ridden, scared, fearful, sad and angry – I am also hopeful. Though my plan may not have come to fruition, God’s plan is still very much developing and revealing itself to me as it’s meant to. It’s not my job to comprehend it – I just have to have faith in it. With my whole heart I trust that we will still have our happy ending. It might just be a little further down the road than expected. I love you all and hope you will continue to stand by me as we go through this small set-back. Tiffany
Posted on: Tue, 02 Sep 2014 16:31:22 +0000

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