Hi Guys! I wanted to bring up something that I have struggled - TopicsExpress


Hi Guys! I wanted to bring up something that I have struggled with for those who may be having the same experience: It’s much easier to understand these positive ideas than to put them into action. Since we are creatures of habit, it’s difficult to break old thought-patterns or ideas that we’ve grown accustom to throughout the years. I used to get so angry with myself when I would do something that I believed was wrong or when I felt like I was all words and no action. I would call myself a hypocrite, a failure and selfish because it was difficult for me to constantly “be a good person” and I was disappointed that I couldn’t do it all of the time. I want you to know how normal and common this struggle is in regards to anything we work at. We are not perfect, we are not always happy, and we are not always selfless. It is counterintuitive to set unrealistic expectations and punish ourselves for what is only natural and unpreventable in our human nature. Instead, we should strive to continue to learn, grow and discover. We are so used to being penalized for our mistakes from years of schooling that we have subconsciously learned that it is natural to punish ourselves for all of our “mistakes” and “flaws”. We learned that they are wrong, that they are bad, and that they need to be corrected. So we try to fix all of them. But striving to always prevent our mistakes or to fix all of our flaws is striving to reach an unattainable and unnatural perfection. It’s unfair to ourselves and we should take the exact opposite approach… Be supportive and nurturing of your own mistakes and love yourself more. Be supportive and nurturing of other’s mistakes and love them more… I think it is so sad that human connection is prevented due to the way we evaluate and judge others for their mistakes, or judge ourselves for our mistakes, when the essence of human nature is connection and collaboration. We should only evaluate each other’s potential and hearts, and we should listen with our full-attention and patient understanding. We also shouldn’t choose connections based on what other people can give us, but rather what we can give to each other. I also want you to know that by simply reading these ideas and repeating them to yourself daily, it is slowly reprograming your mind without you even realizing it. Even practicing gratitude for 5 minutes a day trains your mind to recognize the positive. Please don’t feel at all unsuccessful in regards to these practices because just by reading and sharing these ideas, you are being successful. There will be so many moments when we make mistakes or we don’t live as we speak. Let these mistakes, along with your successes, be learning experiences and not biased judgment hearings. Like Michael Maresca said before, everything is ultimately a learning experience. Keep striving to be the person you know you are and want to be. Just like anything else, positivity, gratitude, and kindness are tools that need to be practiced in order to become habitual. Do not give up because you feel you aren’t doing enough or doing it right. Be immensely proud that you are doing. I wanted to share this ted talk by Shawn Achor: ted/talks/shawn_achor_the_happy_secret_to_better_work He also wrote a book called “The Happiness Advantage”. It is debatably the best book I have ever read. He goes into details about the human psyche and explains on a biological and psychological level how people can achieve their greatest success and happiness. Seriously worth reading! And ps thanks to everyone for all the amazing things that have been put on this page, I’m learning a lot and I have never been so excited for new facebook notifications…
Posted on: Thu, 31 Jul 2014 02:31:13 +0000

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