Hi Guys, Sessions this week and coming weeks. Session 15, - TopicsExpress


Hi Guys, Sessions this week and coming weeks. Session 15, 10/11/14 - afternoon Session 16, 14/11/14 - 1st Hill session , 5.50am start-finish 6.30am. Venue TBA. Session 17, 17/11/14 - afternoon Session 18, 19/11/14 - afternoon Session 19, 22/11/14 - 2nd Hill session, 6.30am start- finish 7.15am. Venue TBA WEEK 5 Review Big week for the crew. 3 sessions during the week and a good solid session at the beach on Saturday. It was a great roll up on Saturday and thanks for everyone making the effort, we were blessed with the weather. The kids trained very well. The beach provides some variety with not only a new surface and other difficulties getting through the water but also provides a variety with their training environment instead of being at the same training venue all the time. Friday afternoon the guys were given a longer game period. 20-40min, this is an endurance game that requires players to run consistently, great for hand eye coordination, team work, agility and vision all whilst having a fun time while participating. Session 12 Session Outcomes * Rotational Power (5 min) * Core stabilisers (5 min) * Olympic Lift Breakdown drills * Workout - combine exercises learnt 1. Rotational Power (20- 30sec on) * Russian twist * On all 4s twist to sky * Barbell row * Wood chops 2. Olympic Lift Drill (3 x 10 reps) * Snatch balance * Hang Clean * Overhead squat 4. Workout * 3 groups Gym exercise (30sec) done by all, rest, then outside for corresponding sprints 1. Hang clean for beginners and full power clean (with 10kg), 2. Goblet squat (2 x kettlebell held on chest, requires strong torso stabilisation and upright chest squat), 3. Push ups 1. 4 x 30m sprint on every 30sec(varied starts) 2. 4 x 20 sprint every 25sec (varied starts) 3. 4 x 10m sprint every 20 sec (varied starts) Session 13 Session Outcomes * Hip mobility (10 min) * Arm movement correction * Power & AgilityDevelopment 1. Hip mobility - improve range of motion in hip for exercise form and improve stride length * hydrant * hurdle * forward and back * straight leg out to side 2. 6 x 10 sec Arm movement correction drills. * drive down and back, down and forward * do not cross midline (stop rotational forces) * 90 degree elbow maintain 3. Small hurdle plyometric drills and fast feet drills * Small bounding drills, forward and lateral over low and medium running hurdles * Fast feet drills and co-ordination, combined with forward, backward and sideways agility drill 4. Power and Speed development hybrid drills - 20-30min Sled pushes - Develops acceleration technique through simulating required body position and accentuated force production also develops leg strength * Focus on 3 step force production on acceleration, technique, quick feet deceleration with flat feet (increase surface area for efficient deceleration with balance), body control and efficiency of movement. Drills 1 x 10-20m sled push - rest 45 sec (allows for regeneration of ATP-C energy system) complete 1 speed and agility drill. Utilising 3, 5, 10m and 20m distances or the 0,1,2,3, 4 method. Rest 45sec -1min repeat. Changing speed and agility pattern and start formation. Maintain balance in change of directions. Rd 1 0-1-0-2-0-3-0-4 accel/ decel. Rd 2 0-4 straight line. Rd 3, lateral stabilisation 0-1-0-2-0-3-0-4 face same way when turning turn and sprint. Rd 4, 0-3-1-4 accel/decal. Rd 5, 0-1, diagonal 2-4, Rd 5 Rd 6 0-3-diagonal back 2-4. Rd 6 0-3-around pole straight line 0-round pole-4. Rd 7 0-1-diagonal 2diagonal 3 - 4. Session 14 Session Outcomes * Progressive Overload Stimulus - Strength Endurance, Increase Workout Volume * Progressive overload is the gradual increase of stress placed upon the body during exercise training. A common goal for strength-training programs is to increase or to maintain ones physical strength or muscle mass. In order to achieve more strength as opposed to maintaining the current strength capacity, the muscles need to be overloaded which stimulates the natural, adaptive processes of the body which develops to cope with the new demands placed on it. Hip mobility - improve range of motion in hip for exercise form and improve stride length - x 2 repeats x 10 reps each exercise each leg * hydrant * hurdle * forward and back * straight leg out to side 10-13s - Light weight * 2 front squats every 30 sec for 3 min * 2 hang snatch every 30 sec for 3 min * 2 power clean every 30 sec for 3min GAME SENSE - Endurance activity continuous game (20min) 14-15s Workout Exercises completed were: Increase weight according to experience and physical maturity * 2 front squats every 30 sec for 5 min * 2 power cleans every 45 sec for 5 min * 2 hang snatch every 30 sec for 5 min GAME SENSE - Endurance activity continuous game (40min) BEACH SESSION Fantastic activities for building leg strength, stamina, accentuating force production with having to push longer into the sand to get traction and acceleration action with long strides and strong arm action * 5 x repeats sand hill sprints (approx 60-70m), 1min rest between Rest 5 min * Series of soft sand agility and sprints (20min) * In and outs - from beach into water, wading and out running onto beach x 5 repeats * Game - soccer and off side touch football
Posted on: Mon, 10 Nov 2014 01:04:19 +0000

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