Hi Im Alyssa Barbieri and its cool knowing that some of my future - TopicsExpress


Hi Im Alyssa Barbieri and its cool knowing that some of my future friends are reading this right now haha. Ive always wanted to go to UofT so there was no hesitation accepting my offer right when I saw it :P About Yourself: I LOVE THE ARTS! basically I feel that music acting and dancing are the best things in the world so yeah, Im a huge musical theatre fan and my favourite musicals are Rent and Mamma Mia, who knows maybe I can be on Broadway one day ;) Hometown: Bolton ON High School: St Michael Age: 18 (April 27) Faculty: Arts and Sciences Intended major: English, maybe a minor in drama Favorite Music: anything really from the 50s- 90s my favourite bands are Fleetwood Mac and Genesis but I do have a soft spot for The Beach Boys :) Favourite TV Shows: Breaking Bad, Friends, Bates Motel, Full House, Happy Days and Seinfeld Favourite Movies: I absolutely LOVE movies everything from their cinematography to writing. My absolute favourite movie is American Beauty, I just think the writing is spectacular ;) some of my other favourite movies are Stand By Me, Fargo, Silence of the Lambs, Pulp Fiction, Forrest Gump, Titanic (loved it since I was 3), Moulin Rouge, 12 Angry Men, Crash, Jaws and American Graffiti Favourite Computer Games: not into that stuff Favourite Blogs/Websites: imdb ;) Favourite Food: sushi and poutine Sports you play: Im good at volleyball, dont really play anymore though :( I can be athletic if I want but Im just not that into sports Do you party?: sometimes I guess I can have fun if I want, but its really not my thing Do you drink (coffee)?:not really Do you smoke?:nopeeee Is it okay if your roommate drinks?: sure Is it okay if your roommate smokes?:yeah I dont judge, just take it outside (I really dont need to answer these Im not living on campus) Religion: Catholic Level of commitment: 10/10 Into politics?: sometimes depending what it is, I like American Politics, I took American History in grade 11 if that counts Ever had a roommate?: on school trips yeah Night owl or early bird?: I can be both Time you go to bed on weeknights/weekends: usually 11 Time you wake up on weekdays/weekends: 8 or 9 Do you snore?:no haha no one really knows do they unless someone tells them they do Are your grades important: for sure Do you mind having people in your room?:Im a people person so the more the merrier Do you mind having people stay over night?: if I was living on campus I wouldnt mind If so, how often?:they would be able to stay anytime How often do you talk on the phone?: ummm not a lot, just with my close friends Any unusual habits?: I have no idea Clean or messy?: definitely a clean freak Shy or outgoing?: outgoing, I changed a lot over highschool I used to be soooo shy Lazy or active?: I can be both, we all have those days lol Are you going to be working a job on/off campus?:yup Twitter:alyssabarbieri9 Instagram: dont have it Website/Blog: dont have one Other: Im excited to meet everybody!! :D
Posted on: Fri, 23 May 2014 20:18:33 +0000

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