Hi Kurt, My name is OOOO and, like many others, Ive been - TopicsExpress


Hi Kurt, My name is OOOO and, like many others, Ive been watching your videos for a long time now. The genuine insights and wisdom you provide and offer is what has had me watch your videos and has led me to ask you a question that has been causing me a tremendous amount of stress, anxiety and uncertainty toward the future of my life. And I really hope you could provide some insight. My issue is this: Back in 2010 when I was OO years old, I began what is now a full-fledged teaching career. I packed my bags and flew over to teach in a small town in South Korea for one year and it was undoubtedly the best year of my life. I loved every moment of it and the best part was that I finally figured out what I wanted to do in my life, which was to be a teacher. But during my time there, my family had me consider what I would I do when I came back to Canada. And that led me to apply to a very competitive graduate teaching program at the University of OOOO. Well, I got in and it was bitter sweet because on one end I was shocked and elated that I would be on the path to earning a masters degree but I was terribly saddened that I would be leaving the place I loved, Korea. I came back to Canada and began my 2 year masters program with not a day going by wanting to return to where I had just come from. The 2 years flew by and I recently graduated back in June of this year and I am now a certified elementary school teacher. Now even after two years, Im still wanting to go back, but now I feel torn between two worlds and Ive been split between what I should do and what I want to do... Now, over the this past year, before I graduated and up until now, I began asking teachers, principals, my friends, my family and professors on what they would do in terms of staying or going back to Korea. This created a lot of noise in my head but most of the advice/suggestions was all boiling down into stay here. This was mostly because everyone felt that I should aim to get experience here in a full-curriculum classroom rather than only teaching English. The trouble here, like so many other places, is that the teaching market in Canada (especially inToronto) is EXTREMELY competitive. In addition to that, many people have told me that it would be even harder for me to start over and find a teaching job in Canada after another lengthy overseas hiatus. Many times Ive been told that I would be putting my life on hold. And another troubling factor is the power of my degree. Im a fresh a graduate and Ive been told that my degree may not hold or yield the kind of opportunities I have now if I left for a year or two or longer. So here I am, Im OO years old now... I have no wife and no children yet. And I feel as though I have this window of opportunity closing in terms of going back. And I worry that I may never go back if I stay here. Half of me sees the truth and wisdom in what everyone is saying about staying where I am now and find a job here. The other half of me wants to go back. I would love to live in Korea again for a few years, then Japan for awhile and then maybe somewhere else. I know eventually I want to come back to Canada, but thats what I really want to do. I just dont know what the right path is for me... Im really concerned that if I leave, I might be putting myself into a real bind when I return. Sadly, tonight I turned down a contract with the very same school I left 2 1/2 years ago in South Korea... The timing of the opportunity of this happening is quite remarkable...But Ive decided to not go because of the council and advice of my family, friends and partly my own intuition. But I really feel as though Ive betrayed a part of myself...Im scared to death of never experiencing what I had when I was over there and Im even more scared that I will never go back because maybe I wont be able to...Who knows, maybe there wont be any jobs. I was told tonight by my former boss that many schools in Korea are hiring within their country now and dont need foreign teachers to teach like they used to. Im not quite sure though... If you have any thoughts or insights about what Ive written here I would greatly appreciate it. I know you get a lot of mail. I just really hope you could provide me with an idea of what the right course is to take. Thank You, OOOO
Posted on: Tue, 12 Nov 2013 01:09:09 +0000

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