Hi Michael. Thanks for the article. Anything that ends with a - TopicsExpress


Hi Michael. Thanks for the article. Anything that ends with a good Jewish joke is by me good writing. The author writes about how even intelligent and well meaning people miss the boat entirely when it comes to the religious fanaticism of “Islamism” because they can’t imagine that other putatively intelligent human beings can have a point of view entirely alien and even hostile to theirs. The cognoscenti have read it all from Socrates to Chomsky and from Jon Stewart to Bill Maher. And the joke fits like herring and onion: “I know everything about fishing because I’ve read all the books “But have the fish read the books?” But here the author is wrong. The real answer is yes, they have. These fish have read our books, lived among us, and hated us for what we are. They have seen the liberals for what they are and were revulsed enough to reinvent salafi jihadist islam aka “Islamism. ( Good thing s. 13 has been repealed and The Human Rights Removal Commission if not neutered then circumcised with a vengeance. Truth wasn’t so much a defence as an aggravating factor when you are charged with “Islamophobia” by Kafka’s Kangaroos.) But the facts aren’t debatable here. The real founders and motive forces behind the “Islamists” are proof ( calling them pudding would be blasphemous and far be it from me to offend the religion of peace ™). The most influential movement in Suuni Islam is the Muslim Brotherhood founded in Egypt on the teachings and example of Al Banna and Q’tub. Q’tub in particular was an educated man by any standard and obtained his MA in education in Colorado USA. It wasn’t that he didn’t read our books. He read our book all right, and recoiled into fundamentalist and political Islam, reshaped to accommodate modernity only to impose islam on it or assert Islam through it. That is the real islami(st) project. To redominate and rule in dar Al Islam and then Dar Al Harb ( that means you). These are core tenets revivified but not invented or misrepresented by the Islamists, or their critics. Wahab, the Suuni salafist who combined with Saud the conquer Arabia and take custody of Mecca and Medina, was the kind of desert religionist that psychiatrist, humanist and apostate Wafa Sultan described so starkly. But Wahab’s successors are Osama and Qawdari et al who have embraced technology and turned the West’s “civilization” against itself very capably. You can’t do that without knowing us. And hating us. Maybe that’s why we are so bad at this kind of war. We neither know nor hate them. We want them to love us. They think we are imbeciles. Some of us are. On the Shiite side of modern mass jihadist Islam, pardon moi, “Islamism”, is the Iranian Revolutionary movement which still follows the teachings and the rulings and examples of the founder, Grand Ayatollah Khomeini( roll gregors here). Khomeini ( roll gregors) was sheltered in Paris while the Shah ruled and he knew us well. He had enormous contempt for our culture, our religion, our philosophy and our way of life, on an explicitly Islamic basis. Khomeini was a very profound and deep scholar of Islam. He hated your guts. An Ayatollah does not lightly use the term Great Satan and his is an explicitly religious message that can’t be seen by liberals and apologists, like CBC or BBC or UN bias. Like the explicit threats to destroy Israel from Islamist pulpits, Hamas and PA cartoons that would make Goebbels blush, and threats of annihilation written in English on banners in Tehran or in speeches published in English by the regime itself in the Fars news service. Invisible to the liberal western eye. Must be the beams there they never examine. They idolized that fakir, Edward Said, (the "Palestinian" English prof who thought that, surprise, history should be considered just a "narrative") and never questioned why someone born and raised in Cairo was considered the paradigm Palestinian ( either Yassir Arafat or Ringo Starr, I get them confused. Arafat sang better, according to the Romanian Secret Service). But the Emperor’s clothes are so fine only the best and brightest can see them. Take one serious, simple but blatant illustration : Is democracy compatible with Islam(ism) in any way? Answer: Does Haroon Siddiqui stink from the head? The fundamental tenet of Islam according to all schools of jurisprudence, Suuni and Shiite alike, is that the law of God must be the supreme law in all aspects of life ( the Q’run, hadith, sunna, fatwas ie sharia). All must submit to it ( which is what Islam means) and nonMuslims, according to the law of Allah and the example of Muhamed, are subject to death if they do not convert or submit to dhimmi ( inferior) status. Conversely, Democracy is the law of man and an abomination which is invalid ab intio and ex hypothesi. (That’s Latin but in the Arabic it’s, “up yours, infidel”.) On this Khomeini, Al Banna, Q’tub, Wahad, Khameini, Nassrallah, Morsi and Erdogan must agree or be liable to death as apostates or blasphemers, depending on whether you subscribe to a strict or progressive school of Islamic jurisprudence. The Islamic Hillel would rule it Blasphemy because the death is more merciful. That is islamist liberalism. Cruel, but fair, ( with apologies to Messrs Python). Breathless, brainless “journalists” told us about the “Arab Spring” and how Facebook and Youtube and Pepsi had “changed everything” and now the inner Beliebers throughout Egypt, Tunisia and beyond would shine forth and make the bad men go away and all the land will replay Obama’s apologetics and dance and sing tra la la la we love Oprah. Too late for Ann Frank, but little Hussein in Egypt or Kenya can now look forward to being a Belieber as well as President of the United States of America! Jefferson and Jesus would be so proud! Didn’t happen. They opted for Islam like they said they would since at least 1929, constantly, consistently and clearly. That must be what confused the liberals. Who knew? Anybody who ever read a word of Q’tub or Khomeini knew. Anybody who listens to Hamas or Hezbollah knew. Next time, just ask. HJK
Posted on: Wed, 03 Jul 2013 13:02:13 +0000

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