Hi Zane, Sorry for bothering you once more, but I just found out - TopicsExpress


Hi Zane, Sorry for bothering you once more, but I just found out some terribly disturbing news that Im still trying to figure out how did this all happen. Its a long story so I will try to make it short. *27 yo mother with 2 kids (7 and 10) by a man who has seen then less than 15 times their whole life *Put him on child support when he wouldnt help me out with the girls in 2007 *Only called when he tried to get off of child support (would threaten me and wouldnt hear from him for another year if child support threatens him) Ok, so, he came around Nov and wanted to get to know the girls and have them know their brother and sister. We would meet in public places. So Dec, we agreed to modify the case b/c he wasnt making as much as he was. We did fill out the paperwork for petition for modification I was in a rush to go to work so he said he will hold it. He didnt have phone at the time, so i fb him about our oldest daughters bday in Jan, he said him and his other daughter will be there. Jan came tried to message him, couldnt find him on fb and come to find out he blocked me and the numbers that he did call me from before went straight to voice mail. So he never called our daughter on her bday or anything. And she was extremely hurt. And we havent heard from him. So, this morning... i get a letter from child support saying my case has been terminated and he no longer owes back child support (owes over $20,000). I went to court and they said i was in all 3 court hearings and I signed papers saying that me and him were together and that I live with him and that I didnt want him paying child support. I was... AM BEYOND pissed. I looked at the petition they had in my file and the 2nd paper was the original paper I signed from the petition for modification, BUT he changed the 1st paper to petition for termination which wasnt even my handwriting! Then on top of that i didnt know anything about the 3 court hearings that happened because someone put in a change of address form for me to make all my court letters go to his house!!!! I want to go over his house so bad... but how I feel right now, Im going to end up going to jail, and I cant do that to my kids. I blame myself for thinking he grew up and we could get along for the kids sake. And I hate myself for trusting him to do whats right. Im to the point now, I am getting all the paperwork together that were signed by me and finding me a lawyer. I want to get full custody of them and if he wants to give up his parental rights by all means I am so for it right now!! Im tired of seeing my kids crying for a man that dont even want to be in their lives. I feel as though Im not wrong for feeling this way, but maybe its just me being angry about this whole situation. Am I wrong for me not wanting him to stay away from them until they are ready? Angry and fed up mother MY RESPONSE: You need to file criminal charges against him and the chick that he had pretend to be you in court. That is PAST ILLEGAL and they can figure out who it was by videotapes. Courthouses are some of the most heavily guarded, taped places on the planet. I would not be angry. I would remain calm and take the steps needed to make sure that neither one of them gets away with it. I want to know who this stupid chick is so please keep me informed. You will be fine and your kids will be fine but he needs to be stopped. Some people do the most to avoid paying for their children. It is such a shame and pathetic. Please let me know what happens.
Posted on: Sat, 10 May 2014 02:11:53 +0000

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